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P. 27
Swath Grazing By Adele Harty and Olivia Amundson, South Dakota State University Extension
The Midwest Cattleman · September 15, 2022 · P27
Feed makes up the largest tion. Cow behavior became daily feeding
expense on a cow/calf oper- similar to that of an intensive of harvest-
ation. In addition to the ini- grazing system, as cows be- ed forages to
tial expense, producers need came trained and knew what determine if
to consider the storage and to do when they were sup- there truly
waste associated with win- posed to move. The logistics are labor dif-
ter feeding in the northern of moving fencing during the ferences. A re-
United States. As expenses winter can be a challenge, de- liable winter
increase, and producers eval- pending on temperatures and water source
uate more-efficient manage- the situation, so take that into will be vital
ment techniques to lower pro- consideration, as ground tem- to the success
duction costs, one alternative perature will affect fencing of this system
may be to incorporate swath, being moved during the rota- and could in-
or windrow grazing. Swath tion. crease labor
grazing can be utilized with The nutrient value of the and time re-
various crops and can im- feed did decline toward the quirements.
prove utilization of the crops end of February when cows It’s also South Dakota State University Extension
for feed, while decreasing fuel, were switched over to a TMR; important to
harvest and feeding costs and however, they saw no detri- consider animal performance be a cost-effective and effi-
also improving soil health. mental effects to the calves for those animals that are cient alternative.
Swath grazing is the prac- as a result. Cows were able utilizing the swaths. As the As expenses increase and
tice of cutting hay, small to utilize the feed with up to forage quality declines, this producers evaluate more-ef-
grains or forage crops and 12 inches of snow accumula- system may not be suitable ficient management tech-
leaving them in windrows for tion and temperatures of -20 for lactating cows, as their nu- niques to lower production
livestock to graze during the degrees Fahrenheit. Forage trient requirements are the costs, one alternative may be
winter months. Rather than utilization was up to 70%, highest. However, applying to incorporate swath, or wind-
having the expense of baling which makes swath grazing this method to cows in mid-to- row grazing.
the hay, moving it off the field a cost-effective option in com- late gestation, stocker calves
and feeding it in the winter, parison to putting the forage or replacement females, could
the feed is left in windrows, in bales. With swath grazing,
and cattle are allowed access operating equipment and
to a limited number of wind- labor decrease, as harvesting
rows at a time as a means to and moving bales or manure
reduce winter feed costs and hauling are minimal. The
increase soil fertility. study also found that graz-
Benefits of Swath Grazing ing crop residue was minimal
Swath grazing has its ben- and did not affect regrowth of
efits in the Midwest, where a perennial forage crop, thus
allowing grazing to occur on
colder temperatures and snow
accumulation regularly occur. a hay field or permanent pas-
If utilizing a small grain crop,
From a soil health perspec-
such as, but not limited to, tive, swath grazing increas-
millet, sudan or sorghum,
swath grazing may provide an es soil health through ma-
nure and urine distribution.
additional opportunity to uti-
lize the forage. In a dry year, it helps create
a potential seedbed and im-
A study conducted at Iowa
State University evaluated proved filtration by breaking
soil crust, fully trampling all
forage quality and utilization
of swath grazing on the cow the non-eaten materials, and
spreading out dung piles,
herd. Millet and sorghum
were harvested in late July as making them less fly friend-
ly. This also provides a food
a hay crop, allowed to regrow, • Animals instinctively open our aps
and the regrowth was cut and source for soil microbes, thus • Our aps will not freeze like ball closures do
increasing fertility of fields in
raked in late December for a • We have less water contamination from animal wastes
swath grazing trial. Cows in the long-term. • Ten Models - For a few animals or for the largest feedyards
their third trimester of ges- Considerations of Swath
tation were moved from corn Grazing
stalk residue to the swaths, This can be a more labor-in-
where they grazed in a simi- tensive method of grazing and
lar method to intensive graz- mimics a management-inten-
ing. Cows were given enough sive grazing system. The labor Zeitlow Distributing - McPherson, KS • 800-364-1605 • Boonville, MO • 800-530-5158
swaths to graze for three days required is to move the cattle SoMo Agri Supply - Springfield, MO • 800-725-1880
Central Missouri Feed & Supply - 2707 W Rt F • Clark, MO • 573-881-1798
at a time, and then fencing and fencing in relation to ap- OR SEE AN MFA DEALER
was moved and cows were propriate stocking density,
given access to the next sec- but it is important to compare WWW.PRIDEOFTHEFARM.COM 800-553-1791