Page 25 - MWC 9-15-2022s2
P. 25

The Midwest Cattleman · September 15, 2022 · P25
         Feeding Cows While Coping with Drought and High Input Costs
         Feeding Cows While Coping with Drought and High Input Costs
                                           By Mark Z. Johnson
         Drought conditions influ- Loading 800 lb of hay will re- are formulated,
      enced forage and grain pro- quire four times the amount  dietary protein
      duction for nearly two years.   of movement (time) than load- concentration
      Forage and grain yields are  ing 800 lb of corn.                      is evaluated to
      expected to be somewhere be-          Energy density of the feed  determine if it
      tween 1/3 and ½ of normal.   ingredient selected also deter- meets             require-
      Pasture yield is also low or al- mines daily feeding cost.    A  ments.    A  min-
      ready out.  Feeding and man- bushel of corn grain is current- imum of 8% is
      aging cows while coping with  ly selling for $7.50 ($13.39/ required by ma-
      these conditions is a challenge  cwt) while a ton of hay may  ture cows that
      complicated further by costs  be purchased anywhere from  just weaned a
      associated with feed deliv- $130 to $200/ton.  Assuming a  calf to as much                Photo by Troy Walz
      ery.   Cow-calf producers must  producer would purchase hay  as 12% for lac-
      incorporate three consider- at $150 ($7.50/cwt) containing  tating cows.  Incorporating a  to ingest this amount in fewer
      ations that greatly affect cow  15% moisture and 55% total  high-protein co-product, such  than 3 hours.  Delivering hay
      feeding costs under current  digestible nutrients (TDN),  as  distillers  grains  and  sol- in  a round  bale feeder  with-
      economic conditions:  feeding  the  cost  per unit  of  TDN  ubles, is one way to properly  in a fenced area and then re-
      group size, energy density of  would be $320/ton ($16.04/ balance the metabolizable  stricting access to this area to
      feed and fuel cost.                cwt).    A ton of  TDN from  and degradable protein re- less than 4 hours daily would
         Feeds (or mixed diets) that  $7.50-per-bushel corn would  quirements of cows, particu- eliminate the need to deliver
      require extensive preparation  be $346 ($17.29/cwt) consid- larly young cows, while reduc- hay daily in a bunk or rolled
      time (loading, grinding, mix- ering corn grain contains 12%  ing the amount of starch cows  out on the ground.
      ing, and delivering) will cre- moisture and 88% TDN.  If the  are expected to consume.                     Cow-calf  operators  are  ad-
      ate additional feeding costs  TDN requirement of a cow is               Although mixing equip- vised to work with their nutri-
      not generally considered in  15 lb/day and using feed price  ment may not be necessary,  tionist to evaluate alternative
      least cost ration formulation.   examples described above, the  allocating at least 12 to 18  energy-dense feed sources and
      Diesel price at $4.50/gallon  daily requirement may be met  inches of space per cow on the  to develop diet and dietary
      and fuel use of 4 gallons/hour  using 27 lb of hay ($2.41/cow)  feeding trough or space is re- management plans to reduce
      determine hourly cost of using  or 17 lb of corn grain ($2.59/ quired to prevent overeating  feed and feeding costs.
      a tractor to prepare and deliv- cow).    As already proposed,  by  boss  cows.    Cows  expect-
      er feed at $18/hour.  For an op- the difference, $0.18/cow, may  ed to consume 10 to 15 lb of
      eration running diesel-fueled  be lost if feeding equipment  corn grain daily may be able
      equipment for one hour to  (tractor or tractor and mixer)
      feed a group of 50 cattle under  must run for an additional 30
      these  conditions, the  daily  minutes while feeding hay.                               31   ST     SATURDAY, OCT. 1, 2022
      fuel cost alone would be $0.36/       Cow-calf operators are not                                         11 a.m.  •  Springfield, Mo.
                                                                                             ANNUAL SALE
      cow.  Grouping cows or grow- used to feeding high-energy                  SALE LOCATION:   ANNUAL SALE  Genetically Yoursenetically Yours
      ing cattle in larger groups to  diets to cows.   Choosing to              William H. Darr Agriculture Center
      maximize feed delivery over  reduce fuel and feed costs by                Springfield, Mo.            THE TRADITION OF QUALITY CONTINUES
      groups to feed is an additional  opting to feed high-energy                                           22  Service Age Bulls – big, stout, rugged bulls ready
                                                                                                              for service
      consideration under current  diets requires some prepara-                                             12  Herd Bull Prospects – maybe our best ever
      economic conditions.               tion.   Feeding from 2 to 4 lb                                     17  Bred Heifers – high replacement quality
                                                                                                            28  Spring Heifer Calf Pairs
         Energy density of the feed  of hay is also recommended                                             15  Fall Calving Cows – always a popular outstanding group
                                                                                                            6   Black and Black Baldy Bred Heifers
      ingredient selected is direct- to manage intake and prevent
      ly proportional to its volume.   grain engorgement.
      A full bucket on a 6-foot skid        Protein requirements of             LJR MSU DAINTY 108E • P43816771
                                                                                A daughter of MHPH 521X Action 106A, out of a DOD. A real standout cow, great milk
      steer contains 800 lb of grain  mature beef  cows, although               flow, one you can depend on each year. Mated to the popular SHF Houston D287
      but fewer than 200 lb of hay.   low, require that, once diets
      RESEARCHERS                                                                                               LJR MSU GITANA 24K • P44346943
                                                                                                                A deep bodied, dark red pigmented daughter of LJR Grayson 217G. You will be
      continued from page 24                                                                                    hearing more from him. Dam, 275E, pictured below.
      research team working on it  rapidly by mechanical trans-
      and developed the first pro- mission as well. The disease
      tective vaccine.”                  also is very costly.  “Econom-         LJR MSU 174E JAMES 6J • P44247956
                                                                                This son of TH Frontier 174E has to be one of the best bulls we have sold. Lots of
         Anaplasma marginale  in- ic impact of the disease is in                power here. Great spread of numbers. CE 5.2; BW 0.9; WW 70; YW 105; MM 34;
                                                                                M&G 70; UDDR 1.30; TEAT 1.40; CHB$ 144
      fects bovine erythrocytes  the billions of dollars of loss-
      and causes diverse clinical  es annually throughout the
      signs, including persistent  world,” Ganta said.                                                          LJR MSU MAXY 275E • P43813712
                                                                                                                A Golden Oak Maxium 28M granddaughter out of a DOD by Federal. Red-eyed,
      high fever, anemia, jaundice,      KLA                                                                    beautiful udder, mated to SR Expedition 619E. She marks all the boxes. Daughter
                                                                                                                pictured above.
      weight loss, abortion in preg-                                                                                    JOURNAGAN RANCH
      nant cows, lowered milk pro-
                                                                                                                           A G R I C UL T UR E
      duction in dairy  cattle  and                                                                              Marty Lueck, manager •
      reduced meat production in                                                LJR MSU ANASTASIA 122J • P44253873   417-948-2669 or 417-838-1482
                                                                                                                 Rt. 1, Box 85G • Mountain Grove, MO 65711
                                                                                A red-eyed, conservative marked daughter of the popular KR QR Endure 18072
      beef cattle. It is transmitted                                            mated to Jalapeno. What a great combination this will be.  See this catalog online at
                                                                                                                               Sale Managed by:
      by more than 20 different tick                                            Auctioneer: Eddie Burks
      species  and can be spread
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