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Life is Simple
        Life is Simple
                                                                                                 The Midwest Cattleman · February 2, 2023 · P5

        Copyright 2023,                  ated that almost everything  my career. Unfortunately, high  Mr. Bruffett finally asked me
        Jerry Crownover                  I understood—and wanted to  school rolled around and my  to stay after class.
                                         understand—related to agri- previous success in arithmetic              “How are your calves doing
                                         culture. If they could tap into  led me to be placed in some- this fall?”
                                         that, they had me.                 thing called algebra. X, Y and       Happy to talk about any-
                                            During     my     elementary Z, instead of numbers, made  thing besides algebra, I replied
                                         years, I enjoyed the subject of  no sense to me, nor could I see  that they were growing pretty
                                         arithmetic. Figuring up how  how it would ever benefit my  good, but that I was thinking
                                         much a calf was worth, based  success as a farmer.                   about increasing the protein
                                         on the price per pound, was a        Mr. Bruffett was my alge- of their ration, to try and get
                                         challenge I gladly accepted. I  bra teacher, and an ace edu- them to gain a little faster. He
                                         could readily see the impor- cator.  After  only a  couple of  inquired about what ingredi-
                                         tance of addition, subtraction,  weeks, he could sense that I  ents  I  was  using  in  my  feed,
                                         multiplication and division  was not only struggling with  and I informed him that corn
                                         (even long division), in what I  the subject matter, but that I
                                         had already decided, would be  had absolutely zero interest.                       continued on page 12
         Throughout all of my years
      as a student, I’ve always found
      it essential to understand why
      I needed to learn the subject
      matter. If teachers could ex-
      plain why it was important for
      me to learn what they were
      teaching, and how it was going
      to help my future, I could usu-
      ally pay attention and absorb
      the material easily. If not, I
      was likely to be daydreaming.
         Luckily, just about all of my
      teachers, in my small, rural
      community, did a little farm-
      ing on the side, and appreci-

             A Cutting-Edge Publication
                  Keith Carmichael
           A Cutting-Edge Publication
            417-644-2993  Fax 417-644-7748
               Keith Carmichael
              Advertising in KS or OK
                   Brenda Black
                  Emily Elmore
               Single Wing Creative
                Ashley Williams
                Off. 417-350-8858
                Fax. 866-611-0490
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           Feb. 3 Red Angus  Aug. 12 Gelbvieh
           Feb. 24 Hereford  Aug. 26 Simmental
           Mar. 10 Salers  Sept. 9 Charolais
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        Feb. 2 Red Angus  Aug. 10  Gelbvieh
               Lowry City, MO 64763
        Feb. 23 Hereford  Aug. 24  Simmental
         Cover:  Jungles Shorthorn Farms,
        Mar. 9 Brangus  Sept. 14  Charolais
                 Kathryn, ND
        Mar. 30 Beefmaster  Oct. 5  Angus
               Photo by Lee Miller
        Apr. 20 Limousin  Oct. 26  Shorthorn
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             Cover Photo Courtesy of
             American Red
            Angus Magazine
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