Page 23 - MWC 02-04-2021s
P. 23
The Midwest Cattleman · February 4, 2021 · P23
Red Angus Releases New Index to Identify Profitability
The Red Angus Association cited about how these new tools ly relevant traits in beef cattle the calculation model is weight-
of America recently released an will enable our breeders to make production. Since the ProS index ed based on the effect that trait
updated suite of bio-economic rapid, multi-trait genetic ad- encompasses conception to har- has in terms of increasing profit-
selection indexes, including the vancement in the years ahead. vest, the traits included in the ability. Producers with questions
Profitability and Sustainability They are easy to understand index are as follows: Calving about the new ProS index should
index. The breed’s new flagship and use, and Red Angus breed- Ease Direct, Calving Ease Ma- contact Ryan Boldt, RAAA di-
index, abbreviated ProS, is an ers have already proven their ternal, Weaning Weight, Milk, rector of breed improvement, at
all-purpose index that covers commitment to commercial Mature Weight, Heifer Pregnan-
economically relevant traits cattlemen through continually cy, Stayability, Average Daily To view current Red Angus
across all aspects of the beef making the breed better in the Gain, Carcass Weight, Dry Mat- EPD averages and percentiles
supply chain from conception to traits that drive profit.” ter Intake, Marbling, Backfat visit
carcass. This updated index will There are many economical- and Rib Eye Area. Each trait in
work as a combination of the
already-existing HerdBuilder
and GridMaster indexes, which
include traits from conception Trust...
to weaning, and postweaning
through harvest, respectively.
The ProS index is expressed in the most important genetic selection tool!
dollars per head born.
“Economic selection indexes
are some of the best tools to help March 19, 2021
producers and commercial cat-
tlemen and women with identi- ∙ 200 Red Angus Bulls
fying animals that will improve including Age Advantage and Red SimAngus Bulls
the profitability of their opera- ∙ 50 Fall Calving Commercial Red Angus Bred Heifers
tions. Using the updated ProS
index will allow for improve- ∙ 50 Open Yearling Commercial Red Angus Heifers
ment in the genetic potential of
progeny to be profitable across
all segments of the beef supply
chain,” said Ryan Boldt, RAAA
director of breed improvement.
The ProS index will provide
producers from all segments
with information they need to
make cattle management deci-
sions in order to become more
profitable and work towards
greater beef industry sustain-
“These new indexes are the
best that have ever been avail-
able for describing Red Angus
genetics,” according to Tom
Brink, RAAA CEO. “We’re ex- Cattle designed to improve your
Good things bottom line, with 40 years of
come commitment to profitable genetics.
to those who
advertise! Where the Cow is still Queen!
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