Page 18 - MWC 8-6-20s
P. 18

The Midwest Cattleman · August 6, 2020 · P18
           Creep Feeding Calves

                          By Steve Niemeyer, Nebraska Extension Educator; Travis Mulliniks, UNL Beef Cattle Nutritionist, Range Production Systems

         Keeping a tight grip on feed
      costs is a priority for every
      beef producer. Creep  feeding
      calves can be a good return on
      investments in certain situa-
      tions.  Maintaining  the  calf’s
      efficiency at an early age is
      becoming much more criti-
      cal with modern market re-
      quirements. The gross income
      of the cow/calf enterprise is
      partially  dependent  on  the
      weaning weight of the calves.
      Outside of changing weaning
      date, there are management
      strategies that can increase
      calf weaning weight. However,
      chasing  increased  output  or
      calf weaning weight can have
      some negative downstream
      implications to profitability
      of the cowherd. Strategies to
      increase calf weaning weight       crease in forage quality con- reserved for specific market  data shows that creep feeding
      could include increased se-        sumed by the calf, and creep  and management situations  heifers will lower their long-
      lection for maternal milk          feeding the calf to increase  such as high calf prices, low  term productivity by decreas-
      production, increased genet-       nutrient intake. Creep feed- feed prices, dry lot operations,  ing lifetime milk production.
      ic selection for growth, in-       ing of beef calves usually is  fall born calves, and purebred           Some of the items that need
                                                                            bull  calves.  Creep  feeding  to be considered when decid-
                                                                            suckling  calves  can  increase  ing whether to creep feed are:
                                                                            market weight of the calf at        1. Nutrient requirements
                                                                            weaning.  Creep feeding must           and ration composition
                                                                            take into account the econom-       2. Feed conversions of differ-
                                                                            ics of the cost of gain, poten-        ent types of creep feeds
                                                                            tial market endpoint, and the       3. Post-weaning calf perfor-
                                                                            influence of sale price of the         mance and bunk-break-
                                                                            calves. For instance, the cost         ing calves
                                                                            of the gain from creep feeding      4. Retaining replacement
                                                                            has to be less than the value          heifers
                                                                            of the gain to be a profitable      5. Challenges  of starting
                                                                            nutritional strategy. Because          calves on the creep ra-
                                                                            there is data that suggests            tions
                                                                            non-creep fed calves catch up       6. Creep feeding design
                                                                            with their creep fed mates          7.  Location of creep feeder
                                                                            post-weaning, the highest re-       8. Benefits of bunk-breaking
                                                                            turn is realized if calves are         calves for post-weaning
                                                                            sold at weaning. Under se-          9.    Calculating return from
                                                                            vere drought conditions, creep         creep feeding
                                                                            feeding can be used to sustain
                                                                            minimal calf growth. A risk of  University of Nebraska-
                                                                            creep feeding is getting calves  Lincoln
                                                                            too fat, resulting in price dis-
                                                                            counts. In addition, long-term

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