Page 7 - MWC 04-01-2021s
P. 7

KEEPING CALVES HEALTHY                                                                         The Midwest Cattleman · April 1, 2021 · P7

                                                                              • Maintain older calves
       K-State veterinarians offer ways to reduce risk                      in a separate location from
              of calves developing, sharing scours                          younger calves to reduce the

         The old saying  “an ounce  are pretty resilient to becom-          in-herd disease transmission.
                                                                              • Keep the cows in good
      of prevention is  worth a  ing severely ill,” Larson said.            body condition so  they pass
      pound of cure” coined by Ben-         Management tips offered         the immunity to their calves
      jamin Franklin rings true for  by the veterinarians for pre-          through the first milk, known
      many of life’s situations. And  venting scours include:               as colostrum.
      for cattle ranchers hoping to         •  Make sure  the calves          •  Vary the feeding loca-
      prevent calf scours from de- are kept in a sanitary envi-             tions to spread out the calves    Providing a clean environment where
                                                                                                              calves less than a month of age are not in
      veloping in the herd, preven- ronment to prevent exposure             and keep them from congre- close contact with older calves is the best
      tion is key, according to the  to the pathogens that cause            gating with the other cattle.     way to keep scours from developing in the
      veterinarians at the Kansas  scours to develop and spread                                               herd
      State University Beef Cattle  in the herd.                            K-State
         Veterinarians Bob Lar-
      son and Brad White offered
      several tips for keeping the
      herd free from scours on a re-
      cent Cattle Chat podcast.
         Scours, otherwise known
      as diarrhea, often impact
      calves in the first month of
      life, in part because of their
      liquid diet of milk and devel-
      oping immune system, Lar-
      son  said.  If  the  calves  lose
      too many electrolytes, they
      may develop metabolic acido-
      sis, which can be fatal if not
      promptly treated.
         “The calf is most suscepti-
      ble to scours in the first few
      weeks of life. After that they

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         M Maarrkkeett,,  NNeeww  CCaammbbrriiaa,,  MMOO
         52 Performance Tested
           Registered Angus Bulls
           (including 13 fall yearlings and
         34 Females (25 Commercial & 6
           Registered 2-Year-Old Spring
           Pairs & 3 Fall Bred Heifers
         Cattle will be at the sale site
         by noon on sale day.
         Because of varied locations,
         only some animals will have
         videos available.  Check for
            Call (573) 581-1225 to
              request a catalog
           Sale Broadcast Online

               Mexico, MO  65265
           Ben Eggers  (573) 473-9202
           Bub Raithel  (573) 253-1664
         Blake McDonald (573) 205-7914
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