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P. 28

The Midwest Cattleman · October 5, 2023 · P28
                  Benoit Angus Ranch Honored with CAB

        Seedstock Commitment to Excellence Award

                                                                  By Lindsay Graber Runft

         Fresh out of the Army with  nown,  and  the  will  to  back  says. "Dad has
      an eye for the right kind of  it up, Benoit  Angus Ranch  been a great
      cattle, Everett Benoit bought  earned the Certified  Angus  teacher for us.
      six  Angus heifers from his  Beef (CAB) 2023 Seedstock  And, it's very
      neighbor and started a cow  Commitment to Excellence  nice to  be  able
      herd of his own. He and  Award.  The family  was rec- to work with
      wife Bonnie settled down  ognized at the CAB  Annual  your folks."
      in north-central Kansas to  Conference in Las Vegas, Ne-                Passing     his
      build a farm and family. The  vada, in September.                     work ethic, love
      only kind of work they knew                                           for the breed
      was hard work, and plenty of  Family, Farm and Love                   and the core
      it.                                for the Angus Female               foundation
         Their resolve and work             While Doug manages the  of the family
      ethic saw the herd grow to  cow herd, Chad oversees the  Angus herd on
      400  Angus females, along  farming side.  Where possi- down to sons
      with a 2,500-acre farming di- ble, that ties back to cattle as  meant              they
      vision now.                        row crops, cover and forages  grew up with
         Benoit Angus Ranch, mar- diversify beyond managing  Angus as the
      keting over 150 bulls annual- 3,500 acres of grass. Cows  only                   logical
      ly, is a multi-generation fam- graze corn stalks till late in  choice.
      ily business with sons Doug  the year and cover crops on                The      Beno-
      and Chad. Focused on serv- wheat ground extend light  its have been                      (from left) John Stika, CAB, Bonnie, (back) Doug, (front)
      ing commercial cattlemen,  grazing through the winter.   recognized for Everett, Michelle Benoit, Bruce Cobb, CAB. (CAB)
      the Benoits built a reputa-           Everett and Bonnie re- their             empha-
      tion for high-quality cattle  main  involved,  often  sitting  sis on maternal
      that perform on the ranch, in  down with their sons to pro- traits and over-                               "We’ve had excellent per-
      the feedyard and on the rail.  vide input and advice.                 all high-quality Angus genet-     formance on our calves and
         With      always-improving         "They started this and now  ics that meet commercial cat-         the carcass value  is really,
      cattle to support that re- we all work together," Doug  tlemen’s needs.                                 truly, a trait of Angus cattle,"

                                                                                       Sancrest Trailer Sales
                                                                                       Billings, MO
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