Page 32 - MWC 10-26-2023s
P. 32

The Midwest Cattleman · October 26, 2023 · P32
                                                       S Syyddeennssttrriicckkeerr  GGeenneettiiccss

                                                                  P Prroodduuccttiioonn  SSaallee

                                         S Saattuurrddaayy,,  NNoovveemmbbeerr  1188  ▪   1100::0000  ▪   aatt  tthhee  ffaarrmm

                                        Presenting the freshest genetics from the name you trust

                                                                                      103 Fall Yearling Bulls     59 Fall Calving Pairs
                                                                                      (Semen tested ready to work)   23 Spring Bred Cows
                                                                                      67 January Bull Calves      48 Spring Bred Heifers
                                                                                      (Wintering Program available)   86 Fall Yearling Heifers
                                                                                      2 Embryo Lots               47 Spring Heifer Calves

                                                                                          Annually one of the most attended and talked about events in
                                                                                          Missouri, the annual SydGen Production Sale is a source for
         Lot 185 —SydGen June 2580                  LOT 2—SydGen Mary Blackbird 1428      many of the Angus breed’s top potential AI sires, as well as the
         DOB 9/6/22    Reg. 20660402                DOB 9/7/21   Reg. 20367747            new generation of herd bulls for many of the Midwest's top
         This stylish daughter of VINCE hit a home   Our first Volunteer daughter in production   commercial herds.
         run on her ultrasound scan, with 13.77%    has us really excited.  This outstanding   All performance information is included in the sale book or on
         IMF to ratio 226.  Her Marbling EPD is #1   female sells with a 64-pound, August 31   update sheets available on our website and on sale day.
         of all 436 head in the sale at 1.80!       heifer calf at side by our new herd sire,
                                                    LOYALTY.                              Highlights include:
                                                                                          ¨  140 head of sale cattle post +300 $C values or higher. All 436
                                                                                            head of weaned and older animals average +287 for $C
                                                                                          ¨  The entire set of bulls offered averages +7 CED, +1.5 BW,
                                                                                            +75 WW, +133 YW, +.29 RADG, +19 Docility, +13.9 HP, +10
                                                                                            CEM, +32 Milk, .42 CLAW, .46 ANGLE, +63 CW, +.95
                                                                                            Marbling, +.78 REA, -0.003 Fat, +66 $M, +72 $W, +107 $F,
                                                                                            +178 $B and +$297 $C as of this writing, which would be right
                                                                                            at the top 7% of non-parents for the $C index.
                                                                                          ¨  The 103 Fall Yearling Bulls offered average 1,312 adj. YW,
                                                                                            35.5 cm SC, 6.1 frame, 3.62 %IMF, 14.14 adj. REA and rib fat
                                                                                            cover of .26.
        Lot 117—SydGen Volunteer 2472               LOT 150—SydGen Blueprint 2549         ¨  Our largest offering of progeny by De-Su Volunteer B122 and
        DOB: 9/10/22     Reg. 20661136              DOB 8/31/22   Reg. 20661151             SydGen KCF Gavel 8361, two sires that excel for foot
        BW 62 lbs.  WW 734 lbs.  YW 1254 lbs.       BW 76 lbs; WW 863 lbs; YW 1,485lbs;     structure, growth and carcass merit.
        ADG 3.25 lbs.                               ADG 3.89 lbs
        A 6.2 frame Show-Me Select qualified        This stout 6.1-frame fall yearling will add   ¨  Our first sampling of calves by URF Alpha G138, a unique
        VOLUNTEER son with the #2 CED at +18 and    pounds!  He had the #2 adj WW and #3 adj   combination of CED, growth, RE and structure.
        #1 BW at –3.6 in the entire sale offering!    YW of all the fall bulls and had the #4 adj   ¨  Progeny of BCA Jeremiah 5103, Connealy Cool 39L, DE-SU
                                                    SC at 39.2 cm. plus strong EPDs for DOC,   Volunteer B122, H P C A Early Bird 65, SydGen Atlas 1043,
                                                    Feet and Hair Shed.
                                                                                            SydGen Black Ice 7029, SydGen Black Pearl 2006, SydGen
                                                                                            Brickyard, SydGen Buffett 8615, SydGen C C & 7, SydGen
                                                                                            Enhance, SydGen Eternity 0046, SydGen Exceed 3223,
                                                                                            SydGen Faith 6023, SydGen Hulk 7032, SydGen II Lombardi
                                                                                            9045 (Vince), SydGen KCF Gavel 8361, SydGen Ozark,
                                                                                            SydGen Resolve 7132, SydGen Stealth 8556, SydGen
                                                                                            Target 9581, SydGen Wake Up Call 9446, SydGen
                                                                                            Westside 9395, URF Alpha G138, V D A R New Trend 315,
                                                                                            BAR Dynamic, BJ Surpass, Car Don Annuity, Hoffman
                                                                                            Thedford, and Square B True North 8052 will be highlights of
                                                                                            this sale offering.

         Lot 249—SydGen Perfection 0911             LOT 27—SydGen Gavel 3008                                                             New
         DOB 8/31/20   Reg. 20013483                DOB 12/27/22     Reg. 20710667         2 266tthh  AAnnnnuuaall                       Date
         A beautiful 3-year-old GAVEL daughter with a   BW 70 lbs; WW 832 lbs; Frame 6.8   S SyyddGGeenn  IInnfflluueennccee  CCoommmmeerrcciiaall  HHeeiiffeerr  SSaallee
         strong, balanced EPD profile.  She sells with a   An outstanding prospect with 22 EPDs in the
         70-pound, August 30 heifer calf by our new herd   Top 10% of the Breed!  That includes Top 1%   December 7, 2023
         sire, ALPHA.                               for Yearling Height, Heifer Preg, Carcass   6:00 p.m.—Callaway Livestock Center, Kingdom City, MO
                                                    Weight & $C, plus 4 more.              Selling 125 head of top commercial bred heifers and two-year-
             Complete catalog available online; mailed with                                old pairs.  All heifers have met a stringent set of qualifications,
            November Angus Journal; or on request from the                                 and all will be sired by, or bred to SydGen Herd Sires.
                             Farm Office                                                   Contributing Breeders: Bellis Family Farms, Orrick, MO;
                                                                                           Mershon Cattle, Buckner, MO; Bob Vandiver Cattle,
          Check out our website for complete weights, calving,                             Richmond, MO
              and other updates as they become available

           Registered Angus Cattle Since 1952                                                                         Visitors Always Welcome

           Eddie Sydenstricker                                                                                        Ben Eggers, Manager
           Sydenstricker Nobbe John Deere                                                                             Cell: (573) 473-9202
                3997 S Clark St              Farm Office: (573) 581-1225             Bub Raithel  (573) 253-1664
           Office: (573) 581-5900            Mexico, MO  65265           Blake McDonald (573) 205-7914
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