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THE HISTORY                        EPDs came out, we were one                              The Midwest Cattleman · October 1, 2020 · P28
      continued from page 27             of the very first herds turn-      utation for such
                                         ing in temperament scores to       thoroughness
      by providing vast amounts of       help generate Docility EPDs.       appears to be in
      whole herd data.                   To a lot of our customers, tem-    good hands, with
         “One of the ways I try to       perament is very important.        McFarland-Liv-
      stay relevant and current for      Foot scores, were needed for       ingston      hold-
      the commercial cattleman is        forward progress, and we were      ing the baton
      by  continuing to evaluate as      one of the very first breeders to   passed to her in a
      many traits as possible,” Mc-      turn those in to the American      full-throttle grip!
      Farland-Livingston  said. “I       Angus Association. Even in a         “I am very sim-
      am a very big advocate of ac-      world of genomics -- and we do     ilar to my mom in
      curate collection and submis-      those and they are important       my attention to
      sion of phenotypic traits.  We     too – we strongly believe phe-     detail and work
      collect about every phenotyp-      notypic data is a necessity.”      ethic and quality
      ic  trait  we  can. When  docility    Hoover  Angus Farm's rep-       of work,” she said.
                                                                            “That has contin-                 That doesn't mean every day
                                                                            ued down through the gener-       is sunshine and flowers, but I
                                                                            ations. In fact, Hoover  Angus    love what I do.”
                                                                            came through the female side         With two toddlers now
                                                                            of  the family.  That's  definite-  under foot, McFarland-Living-
                                                                            ly unique in the beef indus-      ston has her own Angus legacy
                                                                            try. Growing up and in col-       to impart. “I hope that we can
                                                                            lege and young in my career, I    continue to do what we've done
                                                                            didn't even realize that I was a   and be leaders in the beef in-
                                                                            woman doing things that were      dustry in decades to come,” she
                                                                            traditionally a  “man’s job.” I   said. “Undoubtedly, our indus-
                                                                            never even thought about it. I    try will advance and change at
                                                                            just did it. I'm a pretty driven   a pace we have never seen be-
                                                                            person. I don't need an alarm     fore. I want to continue making
                                                                            clock.  I  want  to  go  make  the   the herd even better. Maybe
                                                                            world a better place – and do     someday, the next generation
                                                                            that by creating Angus genet-     will join us and continue with
                                                                            ics that help people be profit-   Hoover Angus.”
                                                                            able and enjoy raising cattle.

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