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THE HISTORY                        mal for the next generation. I                          The Midwest Cattleman · October 1, 2020 · P27
      continued from page 23             look at the cow's strengths and    every    Angus
      ness Weekly's “Top 10 Industry     weaknesses, then find a bull       animal    born.
      Leaders Under 40” for 2013.        that  best  complements  her  to   As a result,
                                         make a better calf than she is.”
      Though she was honored to be                                          there is a need
                                            The plan for breeding a $5
      part of a committee of three to    million bull like Hoover Dam       for more in-
      judge the 2019 National West-                                         formation and
      ern Angus Bull Show, she said      or one like Hoover Notary,         more data to
                                         who sold for 2/3 interest at
      she is far happier and in her                                         be    collected
      element when taking care of        $38,000, or a heifer that goes     to   substanti-
                                         for  $12,500,  is  to  ultimately,
      business at home. As for breed-                                       ate the claims
      ing decisions on the farm, Mc-     positively impact the bottom       and keep pace
                                         line for any producer who uses
      Farland-Livingston  relies  on                                        with custom-                      that will stand behind those
      astute  phenotypic  observation    those genetics.                    er demands a hundred years  cattle and build a trusted rela-
                                            “No matter if purchasing
      and a keen understanding of                                           later.  Today, that translates  tionship with their customers
      Angus EPDs to get the job          seedstock directly or using        into quality  cattle  and  people               continued on page 28
                                         semen on bulls we own, cattle
         “Whenever I breed cattle,       need  to  be  sound,  function-
      my goal, no matter what cow,”      al, and profitable,” McFar-
      she said, “is to make the best     land-Livingston said.  “And a
                                         good disposition is really im-
      possible, most complete ani-
                                                  portant, whether you
                                                  have 20, 200 or 2,000
                                                     Since the 1920s
                                                  when McFarland-Liv-
                                                  ingston's great grand-
                                                  father started this
                                                  Angus farm, a legacy
                                                  of family integrity has
                                                  naturally been per-
                                                  petuated from gener-
                                                  ation to generation.
                                                  That reputation is on
                                                  the line with each and

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