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The Midwest Cattleman · October 1, 2020 · P26

      Governor Parson Visits Briarwood Angus Farms

         Briarwood Angus  Farms  29. Rainy  weather couldn’t  W.  Long welcomed
      welcomed Governor Mike  dampen                 the    enthusiastic his fellow cattleman,
      Parson and First Lady Tere- crowd that gathered by spe- esteeming  him  as
      sa Parson on Saturday,  Aug.  cial invitation to enjoy a steak  “The  best governor
                                                       and lend their  ever of Missouri!” In
                                                       support for the  a show of support,
                                                       Governor’s  cam- Long  presented  a
                                                       paign.               check to Gov. Parson
                                                          Gov.    Parson on behalf of the fam-
                                                       arrived with his  ily  and  employees
                                                       trademark  wide  of Briarwood Angus
                                                       grin. In opening  Farms.
                                                       remarks, he ex-        In  addition  to
                                                       pressed  consid- the funds raised by  Gov. Mike Parson flashes his signature smile upon arriv-
                                                       erable  gratitude  those in attendance,      al to Briarwood Angus Farms, Butler, Mo., for a fund-
                                                       for being among  the governor also gra-      raising luncheon.
                                                       “my kind of peo- ciously received a campaign           President, who represented
      Dr. Curtis W. Long welcomes Missouri's Gov. Mike Parson to   ple.” Dr. Curtis  contribution from Missou-  the membership at large.
      Briarwood Angus Farms.                                                ri  Cattleman’s Association,         “What started as a brief
                                                                            presented by MCA Manag-           trip turned into an event that
                                                                            er  of Membership  Sydney         raised around $6,000 for our
                                         • Featuring ‘        Program’      Thummel, accompanied by           governor,” Thummel said.
                                            Cattle  Weekly                  the Bates County Cattlemen           Parson’s personal and im-
                                                                            officer team of Ryan Grimes,      passioned farm site chat re-
                                         • DVAuction Service for convenient   President; Austin Black, Vice   capped  the roller  coaster
                                            online  viewing & bidding       President;  Dave Warfield,        year of 2020, including record
                                                                            Treasurer; Jesse  Porter, Sec-
                 Vienna, Mo 65582  Selling All Classes of Cattle Wednesday @ 10:00 a.m.                       breaking  lows  for unemploy-
           For more information: Ross Patton  573-308-6657 • Bill Patton   573-308-6658    retary/Reporter; Carl Bettles   ment prior to the pandemic,
                                                                            and Lonny Duckworth, State
                   • David Patton – 573-308-6655 •                          Directors; and Susie Hockett,     and unprecedented challeng-
             Visit our website at • or E-mail us at:
                                                                            Bates County CattleWomen                        continued on page 29

             Briarwood Genetics             E
            Perform Significantly           Efficiencyfficiency is a BeefBeef Deal!
                    Higher in
                 Purina® Feed
                Conversion Test


            As part of Purina’s commitment
            to research-proven products that
            perform for cattle owners, local
            feeding demonstrations of new
            products are often conducted with
            customers.  Purina®  was excited to partner with Briarwood Angus in a feeding demonstration in the early fall of 2019. Two drafts of calves were
            weaned in September and October  and  fed Purina® Accuration® Starter Complete with RX3TM in
            a bulk self-feeder. Calves were weighed at weaning and 17 days later after consuming an average of   When evaluating
            306 lbs of feed. There was no death loss, no digestive issues such as bloat, and no antibiotic treatments   your next
            needed for respiratory disease. The 82 Briarwood calves gained an average of 4.04 lbs. per day with a   investment
            feed conversion efficiency of 4.5 lbs. of feed per pound of gain.                           in genetics
                 Learn how you can gain the                            “This performance                that
                   Briarwood Advantage at
                                     significantly exceeds             perform
                                                                   the average performance
                                 In it for the “Long” haul                                              Briarwood
           Briarwood Angus Farmsms
           Briarwood Angus Far                                           of other feeding               Angus
                                                                         demonstrations                 will help
           Curtis & Ann Long - 660-679-3459       Ride with us on                                       you gain the
           David Warfield, mgr. 660-679-3395   1964                  conducted by Purina.”              advantage.
           2110 NW St. Rt. 52     Butler, MO 64730
                                                                  N.T. Cosby, PhD, Sr. Consulting Nutritionist, Purina®
          Effiency Briarwood Genetics Available  - Mar. 21, 2021 @ Briarwood Angus Farms Annual Spring Quality Bull & Female Sale
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