Page 26 - MWC 3-31-2022s
P. 26
FACTORS The Midwest Cattleman · March 31, 2022 · P26
continued from page 24 disease issues that con- can be passed from livestock administered, etc.)
tribute to calf losses can be to humans. The fetus and •Body condition score of
sarcocyctosis and neospora, frustrating because the in- placenta should be placed in cows at calving
fectious agents often are un- a black garbage bag and kept
•Length of calving, calving
which are caused by proto- detectable in tissue or blood cool until they arrive at the difficulty, and whether or not
zoa, can be more difficult to samples. The placenta often laboratory. Avoid freezing assistance was used
manage because vaccines are is key to obtaining a diagno- the fetus and/or placenta un- •Presence of any visible
unavailable or may be inef- sis; therefore, submitting the less they already were frozen abnormalities in the calf
fective. placenta in addition to the when they were found. •Cloudy eyes in the calf
Common viral diseases in- fetus whenever possible is
clude bovine viral diarrhea very important, Block says. Additional Factors for indicating it has been dead
for several hours
(BVD) and infectious bovine “Prompt identification of Determining Loss Causes
“Although diagnosis is not
rhinotracheitis (IBR). Vac- aborting cows and isolation Because there are so many always possible, even with
cines to prevent losses due to from the herd is recommend- potential causes for still-
IBR and BVD are available ed to help prevent the spread births and abortions, it is im- necropsy or laboratory anal-
ysis, sample submission to
and effective; however, pro- of infectious diseases if ap- portant to investigate each
ducers need to choose their plicable,” she adds. “It is also calf loss individually as well the NDSU Diagnostic Labo-
ratory is encouraged if abor-
vaccine protocols wisely. helpful to have cows isolated as evaluate the situation on
“It is important to always in case blood samples from a herd level. tion rates are in excess of 1
follow label directions when aborting cows are needed to Factors that should be con- to 2 percent,” Block advis-
using modified live vaccines try to identify abnormalities sidered when trying to deter- es. “Producers should work
closely with their local vet-
in pregnant cows because such as mineral levels and/or mine the cause of losses in-
off-label use may result in antibody titers for infectious clude: erinarians for assistance and
advice with diagnosis, and to
abortions,” Stokka says. “To diseases.” •Cow herd nutrition (feed
avoid this problem, produc- The specialists recom- analysis, mineral supple- develop future herd health
and vaccination strategies to
ers should vaccinate cows mend that when collecting mentation program, poten-
when they are not pregnant aborted fetuses and tis- tial toxicities/deficiencies, minimize losses.”
or consider using vaccines sues for analysis, producers etc.) Drovers
labeled for use in pregnant should be sure to use appro- •Cow’s age and number of
cows.” priate biosecurity measures offspring
Calf Loss Diagnosis such as latex gloves and a •Vaccination program
Laboratory diagnosis of mask to avoid diseases that (types of vaccines used, when
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