Page 30 - MWC 3-31-2022s
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The Midwest Cattleman · March 31, 2022 · P30

        Apr  9 * New Day Genetics Spring Bull Sale, Salem, MO 573-453-0058  May 2    Gardiner Angus Ranch “Meating Demand” Bull Sale, Ashland, KS
        Apr  9 * Ozark & Heart of America Beefmaster Sale, Springfield, MO 210-415-4530  May 6 * SEMO Show-Me-Select Heifer Sale, Fruitland, MO 660-281-5518
        Apr  9  The Renaissance 30th Anniversay Edition Sale, Strafford, MO  May 7    Great American Pie Annual Limousin Sale, Lebanon, MO
        Apr 12* Sydenstricker Genetics Influence Sale, New Cambria, MO 573-581-1225  May 13* Show-Me-Select Heifer Sale, Farmington, MO 573-756-4539
        Apr 16* Back to Grass Salers Sale, Gallatin, MO 785-547-6781        May 14  Central States BBA Mid America Futurity & Sale, Locust Grove, OK
        Apr 16   East Central Missouri Angus Assoc Sale, Cuba, MO           May 14  V-Bar Cattle Co Complete Dispersion, Beloit, KS
        Apr 16* McBee Cattle Co Spring Selection Day Sale, Fayette, MO 573-228-2517   May 20  South Central Show-Me-Select Heifer Sale, Vienna, MO
        Apr 16   Missouri Charolais Breeders Spring Bull & Female Sale, Springfield, MO  May 20*Southwest Show-Me-Select Heifer Sale, Carthage, MO 417-466-3102
        Apr 16* Reds in the Green Hills, Harris, MO 660-748-6350            May 21  MO/KS/AR/OK Angus Sale, Ozark, AR
        Apr 23* HHCA 11th Annual Highland Cattle Auction, Lebanon, MO 417-345-0575  May 21*West Central Show-Me-Select Heifer Sale, Kingsville, MO 816-380-8460
        Apr 23* Midwest Beefmaster Sale, Exeter, MO 918-693-4048            May 28  Soaring Eagle Farms Production Sale, Springfield, MO
        Apr 23* Show-Me Reds Sale, Springfield, MO 417-327-7870  Jun    4   Show-Me-Select Heifer Sale, Palmyra, MO
        Apr 30   Wall Street Cattle Co Production Sale, Lebanon, MO         Jun  11* Wallen Prairie Ranch Beefmaster Prod Sale, Lockwood, MO 417-808-0296

           **Sale Dates as published earlier this season. Sales are subject to change or cancellation.  Confirm directly with Breeder or Sale Management.
                                         *LOOK FOR OUR AD IN THE MIDWEST CATTLEMAN*

      THE RIGHT FIT                      CALVING SEASON                     more calves born earlier in  disperse of them. Determine
      continued from page 25             continued from page 15             the calving season wean more  if the remaining females are

      and warmer, some northern          requirements than mature           pounds of calf compared to  in the calving benchmarks
                                                                            calves born later in the calving  you desire. If those cows need
      producers want to inject the       cows following their first calv-   season. At weaning, 1 day age  to move up a cycle, consider
      Brahman influence in their         ing. Therefore, it is important    difference can translate into  using estrus synchronization
      cattle to get along better in the   to  ensure  they  are  receiving   2.4lbs of weaning weight lost.  to move those females back to
      feedlots, and they’re turning to   the adequate nutrition to meet     If more than 25% of the herd is  the desired breeding season.
      Santa Gertrudis because they       their nutrient requirements to     calving in the second or third  If an estrus synchronization
      can adapt and perform so well      maintain reproductive success.     calving window this leaves a  program will be implemented,
      in different environments.         Remember to separate young         large amount of pounds un- consult your local Extension
         “We use GrowSafe Systems        females from the mature herd       paid. Furthermore, research  Specialist  or  Veterinarian to
      to measure feed efficiency in      during this time as nutrient       shows that females who calve  help set you up with an appro-
      individual animals and then        requirement of cows is lower       in the first 21 days of the calv- priate protocol and supplies.
      select for that trait so our cat-  and overfeeding  the mature        ing season remain in the herd        4. Fourth, follow through
      tle can make more beef with        herd can become costly.            longer.                           with the plan. Ensure you have
      less  feed,  and  our  customers  Importance of Calving Dis-                                            enough labor and resources to
      are seeing a real improvement  tribution                              Reaching Management               accomplish the job. Choose a
      in the feedlots.”                     If a large majority of the      Goals                             breeding or bull let out day.
         Miranda, who currently  herd fails to calve in the first             Reproduction is the number      If using a bull, ensure the
      serves on the SGBI Board of  21 days of the calving season,           one indicator of success on any   amount of time the bull is out
      Directors, was also involved  those cows fall behind missing          operation. So how can some of     with the cows as well as bull/
      with the leadership back in the  the opportunity to re-breed          these management goals be         cow ratio is part of your man-
      early 2000s when the breed  and subsequently will fail to             reached?                          agement strategy and goals.
      began taking drastic mea- maintain a 365-day calving                    1. First, remain business          5.  Fifth, confirm pregnan-
      sures to improve performance  interval. Females that fall out         minded.  While we all have        cies in the herd. Once the cows
      data and phenotype. Using his  of the desired calving window          that favorite cow in the herd     are bred, have your veterinar-
      background as a commercial  allow opportunity to consider             who may receive two or three      ian come and pregnancy check
      cattleman, his interest in DNA  managerial strategies to re-es-       breeding chances, it may be       all the females to get an idea of
      sampling and ultrasound and  tablish the desired calving              time to consider the financial    the distribution you may have.
      his expertise in artificial in- distribution. It’s important to       implications she brings.          Any females that are open al-
      semination, he has continued  remain business minded when               2. Second, set  your goals.     lows that female to be sold as
      that focus at Cherokee Ranch.      making decisions regarding         How do you want to see your       well as starts putting repro-
         Santa  Gertrudis  were  de- the cow herd to ensure success.        herd perform?  What bench-        ductive pressure on the herd.
      veloped  for  survival and  are       So how can calving distribu-    marks do you want to follow or       6. Sixth, enjoy a shorter,
      adaptable to most climates, en- tion affect the bottom line? Calf     set? How can you reach these      more defined calving season.
      vironments and terrains, and  crops more uniform in size and          goals and who can help you get
      cattle producers from across  age have market  advantages             there?
      the country are starting to take  and exceed returns over calves        3. Third, make a plan. De-
      notice.                            that lack uniformity in both       cide which cows do not meet
                                         age and  weight.  Therefore,       your production goals and
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