Page 4 - MWC 03-11-2021
P. 4

The Midwest Cattleman · March 11, 2021 · P4
                                                                            of our customers are being lobbied  prod on every single animal going
                                                                            and lied to by some – feeding the  through the chute.  Every single
                                         do some research.   If not for your  perception and the narrative that  one….        We  want  cattle  to  have
                                         own sake, your pocketbook, or your  there are those of us who simply  good dispositions, but then we hire
                                         welfare, then do it for your cattle’s  don’t really care about the welfare  people who don’t give a ‘rip’ and end
                                         welfare.    There  is  a  perception  in  of our animals.            up making them crazy.   Let’s make
                                         this industry that there are those of   I am ready to stand beside you  our goals plain.  Let’s raise our stan-
                                         us who don’t really care about the  and argue the opposite with any- dards!  Shall we?
                                         welfare of their animals.  I refuse  one,  provided  that  I  don’t  have  to   Get your corral system right and
                                         to believe it; I am ready to refute it  stand beside you at a headgate or  cattle will move smoother, gentler,
                                         and then I see a new corral with all  at the loading chute and have you  and plenty fast enough. The world
                                         square pens and all square corners!   prove me wrong.  Use your head.   has changed.   Train your crew ac-
                                            In full disclosure, I too have built  Put the thing away – put it down!  I  cordingly.  You’re responsible for ev-
                                         corral pens that have some square  know that sometimes you need cat- erything they do.  Never forget, per-
                                         pens and corners.  ‘Lord, please for- tle to move, but if you need them to  ception, for your customer, is reality,
         If something is on your mind,   give the sins of my youth!’    They  move fast – slow down!
                                                                                                              and without the customer, we’re all
      just tell me.   Most people appreci-  are a disaster.  Calm cattle put in a   Not long ago, I watched a truck  out of business.
      ate straight talk.                 square pen and then put under a lit- driver (I refuse to call him a cow-
         I do – just give it to me straight.    tle sorting pressure… immediately  boy or a cattleman) use an electric   KwC
      Tell me what’s on your mind.       become agitated, nervous, and more
         We’re all big boys and girls here   difficult to work with.   I can imme-              Temple Grandin
      – we can handle it.                diately see differences in the same
         The conversation we need to     cattle when they go from a curved    Dr. Temple  Gran-                          other  people  weren’t
      have is about two things.  Some    pen without corners to the square   din is always of a mind                     seeing this. And then I
      might think both are very minor    pen.  You have too if you have paid   to understand other                       learned later on in life
      and unimportant.  Let me assure    attention.   Maybe some have just   minds. Human and oth-                       that some people are vi-
      you that, if you’re a cow, they’re very   never had the experience of work-  erwise.                               sual  thinkers, thinking
      important.   And  ‘happy’ cows are   ing cattle in a planned, curved per-  She did not talk until                  photo-realistic pictures
      more profitable cows – every time.     manent system without a single   she was almost 4 years                     like me, or an object vi-
      If you haven’t figured that out yet,   corner.  It works smoother, gentler,   old,  but  now  she  is  an          sualizer. Then you have
      you need to be in another business.     and much faster.   Just one more   accomplished  public                    the more mathematical
      Also, if you’re not aware that our   word on square pens or square cor-  speaker and one of the world’s most  type of person who is a pattern vi-
      entire industry is under attack and   ners… STOP!                     well-known people with autism.  sualizer.”
      under a microscope you need to pick                                   She  was  not  exposed  to  the  beef   When designing cattle-handling
      up your game or perhaps pick an-   Cattle prods                       cattle industry until age 15, but her  facilities, she noticed:  “The visual
                                            Topic number two: Cattle prods.   understanding of animal behavior  thinkers invent all of the clever me-
      other game.                        Again, in full disclosure, I own and  led to greatly improved conditions  chanical equipment, and the more
      Corrals                            have used just about every kind of  for the animals.                 mathematically inclined engineers
         The first subject is corrals.  Why   these devices ever made.  They all,   While vaccinating cattle in  Ar- will do things like boilers, refriger-
      are we still building cattle corrals   electric or not, have a place, but  izona as a teen, she noticed that  ation, stresses on pre-stressed con-
      like we don’t know what in the     we cannot ignore that our world  some of the livestock could be dis- crete, [the] kind of stuff the visual
      world we’re doing?  Why?           is changing.    We all have proba- tracted by something so mundane  thinkers  don’t  understand  …  you
         No one likes to see a new corral   bly worked chute-side with some- as a car parked next to a fence.  need both kinds of minds.”
      more than I, but when I drive by   one – some short sighted, short on   “And it was obvious to me to look   Dr. Grandin, a professor of an-
      and see a brand new one that is full   brains,  ‘novice’ who didn’t get the  at what the cattle were seeing. And  imal sciences at Colorado State
      of square corners, I just wonder who   memo.   I recently came very, very  at the time I thought everybody’s a  University who holds U.S. Patent
      in the world has not figured out that   close to taking a device away from  visual thinker,” Dr. Grandin said in  No. 5,906,540 for her animal stun-
      square corners in a cattle corral do   one  ‘animal husbandry’ deficient  one of the USPTO’s Journeys of In- ning system,  is also a best-selling
      not work?   Only someone who has   ‘dimwit’ in order to demonstrate  novation interviews. In a 2010 TED  author whose contributions to au-
      never worked a cow in a corral be-  to him what the other end felt like.   Talk, she likened her mind to Goo- tism  awareness  and  the  livestock
      fore and who has never heard of    Train your people!   Every critic and  gle Images: “It’s literally movies in  industry were captured in an HBO
      Temple Grandin.                    animal rights ‘extremist’ has a cam- my head.”                       Emmy Award-winning movie about
      Who is Temple Grandin?             era in their pocket.  We need to be   “I didn’t realize that my thinking  her life.
         From her website: “Dr. Grandin  ‘extreme’ too… ‘extremely’ careful.   was different,” she told the USPTO,
      is a designer of livestock handling  “Stop the stupid stuff!”         “and I couldn’t understand why
      facilities and a Professor of Animal   Let me suggest that cattle can be
      Science  at  Colorado  State  Univer- trained to move at merely the sound
      sity. Facilities she has designed are  of an ECP.   Give animals a warn-  Standing
      located in the United States, Cana- ing.  Create a sound on metal that   Apart                              W
                                                                                                                  W Weekly Dairy Sale!eekly Dairy Sale!eekly Dairy Sale!
                                                                                              Stock Cow & Bull Sale!
                                                                                              Stock Cow & Bull Sale!
                                                                                                                                   Feeder Cattle Sale!
                                                                                                                                   Feeder Cattle Sale!
                                                                                                                                   Feeder Cattle Sale!
      da, Europe, Mexico, Australia, New  they can hear plainly.  Maybe on the                Stock Cow & Bull Sale!  Sale starts at 1ale starts at 11:00 a.m. every 1:00 a.m. every TTues. ues. 1:00 a.m. every Tues.   Starts at 8 a.m. every Wed.
                                                                                                               S Sale starts at 1
                                                                                                Starts at 9 a.m. every Mon.
                                                                                                Starts at 9 a.m. every Mon.
                                                                                                                                   Starts at 8 a.m. every Wed.
                                                                                                                                   Starts at 8 a.m. every Wed.
                                                                                                               S Special Sale 4th Tues. of each month.
      Zealand, and other countries. In  chute inches from their ears.   It’s   from the Herd Can Be  Starts at 9 a.m. every Mon.  Special Sale 4th pecial Sale 4th TTues. of each month.ues. of each month.
      North America, almost half of the  a signal.  You’re saying… “Here it   A Very
      cattle are handled in a center track  comes.”   Use it only when you have   Good Thing
      restrainer system that she designed  to and then use it sparingly.  The
      for meat plants. Curved chute and  guy who handles the animal next
      race systems she has designed for  will thank you, or should thank you,
      cattle are used worldwide and her  because his job is now safer.
      writings on the flight zone and       It’s not just the electric type.  Use
      other principles of grazing animal  all kinds with care.   Bruises cost
      behavior have helped many people  money.  Weight loss costs someone
      to reduce  stress on their animals  money.    You can tell a lot about
                                                                                                                  4 417-869-9500
      during handling.”                  someone by  how they  treat their                                        417-869-950017-869-9500
         So, you can weld one piece of pipe  animals.  You can also tell by the                                   Exit 70 • I-44 & Hwy MM • xit 70 • I-44 & Hwy MM • ApprApprox. ox. Approx.
                                                                                                                  E Exit 70 • I-44 & Hwy MM •
                                                                                                                  3 3 Mi. W. of Springfield & 1 MNi. E of
      to another.  Whoop de-do.  Let me  way they treat someone else’s.   We                                      3 Mi.  Mi. WW. of Springfield & 1 MNi. E of . of Springfield & 1 MNi. E of
                                                                                                                       James Riverames River Hwy Hwy
                                                                                                                       J James River Hwy
      suggest that before you do, you…  cannot ignore the fact that many
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