Page 30 - MWC 03-11-2021
P. 30

EVALUATE YOUR                                                                              The Midwest Cattleman · March 11, 2021 · P30
      continued from page 23
                                         period when the
      2020 show that steer calves born  third calf is born.
      in the first 21 days of the calving  Both   methods
      season averaged 47 pounds (lb.)  work, says Payne,
      heavier at weaning than calves  but use the same
      born during days 22-42 (537 lb.  method to be con-
      vs. 490 lb.).                      sistent.
         While the number of calves in      Once you have
      this group is relatively small (47  the start date,
      steers born in the first 21 days  count the number
      and 12 born during days 22-42),  of calves born in
      Payne says other studies report  the first 21 days
      similar weight differences.        of  the  calving
         Begin tracking calving distri- season and divide                   of the first 21-day period.       days 22-42, 28%; days 43-63, 6%;
      bution by establishing the date  that number by the total num-           Finally, evaluate the calving  >63, none. Based on the calv-
      of the initial counting period.  ber of calves born, says Payne.      distribution of first-calf heif- ing distribution, this herd per-
      One option is to start the first      Repeat the process for days     ers (2-year-old cows) separate- formed better than the industry
      period 283 days from bull turn- 22-42, days 43-63 and after day       ly from the mature herd. Their  standard.
      in or artificial insemination  63. Count all full-term calves         breeding season is often earlier     To achieve the targets, all
      (AI). If this information is not  born, dead or alive. Also include   or managed differently.           cows must cycle at the begin-
      available, begin the first 21-day  calves born before the beginning      Once you know your herd’s  ning of the breeding season, and
                                                                            distribution,  compare  it  to  the  bulls must be fertile.
                                                                            industry standard. Benchmarks        “If  your distribution  is unfa-
                                                                            for the first, second and third 21- vorable, meaning a higher per-
                                         • Featuring ‘        Program’      day periods are 65%, 23% and  centage of calves are born later
                                            Cattle  Weekly                  7%, respectively. The remaining  in the calving season, it could in-
                                                                            5% of calves are born later than  dicate one or more problems and
                                         • DVAuction Service for convenient   63 days.                        will require more investigation,”
                                            online  viewing & bidding          The following is the calving  says Payne.
                                                                            distribution of 142 calves from      Factors  to consider  are  nu-
                 Vienna, Mo 65582  Selling All Classes of Cattle Wednesday @ 10:00 a.m.  a  2020  spring-calving  herd  in  trition, bull power or fertility,
           For more information: Ross Patton  573-308-6657 • Bill Patton   573-308-6658    northwestern  Missouri  (see disease or conditions that cause
                   • David Patton – 573-308-6655 •                          Table 1): Day of calving season  early embryonic loss or infer-
             Visit our website at • or E-mail us at:  and percentage: days 1-21, 66%;  tility, or a mismatch between
                                                                                                              herd genetics and environment.


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