Page 29 - MWC 03-11-2021
P. 29

The Midwest Cattleman · March 11, 2021 · P29
     Lengthy, Difficult Births Adversely Affect Newborn Calves

      By Glenn Selk, Oklahoma State University Emeritus Extension animal scientist
         Calves born after a prolonged,  calf is about 12 hours old.        bodies from colostrum fed later.  ment heifers bred  to calving
      difficult birth are at a high risk    For an 80-pound calf, this        If you have noticed a high- ease bulls should help minimize
      of failing to receive adequate co- will equate to at least 2 quarts  er incidence of calf diarrhea  the difficult births and allow
      lostrum by natural suckling be- of colostrum per feeding.  Feed  among calves born to first calf  the  young  cow  to  produce  her
      cause of greatly decreased colos- the natural or commercial co- heifers, this may be due to two  genetic maximum first milk.
      trum intake.   Calves failing to  lostrum first, before the calf is  reasons:   1) The calf has more
      receive adequate colostrum in a  fed whole milk that is not co- severe respiratory acidosis due
      timely manner are  more  prone  lostrum.  Once the calf has con- to prolonged stage 2 of calving,
      to diseases such as scours, and  sumed any milk product, the in- and 2) two-year-olds give small-
      respiratory diseases later in life.  testine speeds up the process of  er quantities of first milk (colos-
         Calves that are born to a pro- intestinal closure, which would  trum) than do mature cows.
      longed stage 2 of parturition  inhibit the absorption of anti-          Properly developed replace-
      very often suffer from severe re-
      spiratory acidosis.  Stage 2 is de-
      fined as the period of labor from
      first appearance of the water
      bag until the calf is completely
      expelled and on the ground.
         The acidosis occurs as the
      umbilical cord is pinched off
      at the pelvic rim during deliv-
      ery.  Therefore, the flow of oxy-
      gen from mother to calf and the
      return of carbon dioxide from
      calf to mother is impaired.  The                                              March 28, 2021 • 1 p.m.arch 28, 2021 • 1 p.m.
      buildup of carbon dioxide and
      its byproduct lactic acid, in the           SELLING
      blood of the newborn causes the                                                     United Producers Livestock Market
      blood pH of the calf to be low-                                                     Highway 71 North • Maryville, MO
      ered and therefore the calf suf-
      fers from acidosis.
         Severe acidosis and low blood         BullsBulls
      oxygen may cause damage to                         & &
      major organs of the calf includ-
      ing the brain.   Some ranchers
      may have observed calves that
      seem to be abnormal in behavior
      and  are  often  called  “dummy”                 Females
         Calves that have endured a                    Yearling &
      lengthy stage 2 of delivery and            18 Month Old Bulls
      are  suffering from  severe  ac-
      idosis often are very sluggish                  Spring Pairs
      and are  VERY slow to stand
      up, find the mother’s teat, and
      nurse.   This delay in ingestion                    Salers
      of the colostrum leads to poor-
      er immunoglobulin  absorption                   Composites
      because of normal intestinal clo-                Red Angus
      sure.   Immunoglobulin is a big
      word for the large proteins that
      are “disease-protecting antibod-
         In addition,  “acidotic” calves
      are less efficient at absorbing
                                                 Watch for updates on Facebookatch for updates on Facebook
      colostral immunoglobulins even             W
      if artificially fed colostrum.
      Therefore, efforts should be
      made to provide weak newborn                             www
      calves with the best source of
                                             Visit our website or e-mail for a catalog.isit our website or e-mail for a catalog.
      colostrum available via bottle         V
      suckling or tube feeding.
         The amount of immunoglob-
      ulin ingested is also a major
                                               Silver Spur Salers
      determinant of final serum im-           Silver Spur Salers
      munoglobulin concentration.  A
                                                                                                              Scott, Stacy, Landoncott, Stacy, Landon
      practical "rule-of-thumb" is to                David and Janelle Fruehvid and Janelle Frueh             S
                                                                                                              & East
      feed 5 to 6% of the calf's body                                                                         & Easton Liebharton Liebhart
      weight within the first 6 hours                      660-541-0361                                       660-562-3481
      and repeat the feeding when the
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