Page 26 - MWC 03-11-2021
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4 QUICK WAYS adds. “On top of that, wind is an The Midwest Cattleman · March 11, 2021 · P26
continued from page 25 absolute killer. Make sure you
have provided windbreaks or rectal temperature of 86 degrees F. ical processes.
ing hypothermia and cold stress some kind of barrier to help ani- was longer for calves with added Total heat production (energy
is the preferred route to keep mals get out of the elements; and insulation and those exposed to lost) during recovery was nearly
calves safe. provide wheat straw, baled corn- heat lamps than for the calves in twice as great for the calves with
“Make sure cows have the stalk or something that provides the warm water and warm water added insulation or exposed to
energy and protein they need a barrier to the cold ground.” plus ethanol treatments (90 min- the heat lamps than for calves in
to produce good colostrum and utes and 92 minutes vs 59 min- warm water and in warm water
quality milk for their calves,” he K-State utes and 63 minutes, respectively). plus an oral drench of ethanol,
During recovery, the calves re- respectively. By immersion of
Re-warming Methods for Cold-stressed Calves warmed with the added insulation hypothermic calves in warm (100
By Glenn Selk and heat lamps used up more body degrees F) water, normal body
energy metabolically than the temperature was regained most
The extreme cold and snowy calves. Heat production and rec- calves re-warmed in warm water. rapidly and with minimal met-
weather arrived at a very unfor- tal temperature were measured This represents energy that is lost abolic effort. No advantage was
tunate time for spring calving cow in 19 newborn calves during hy- from the calf’s body that cannot be evident from oral administration
herds. Cows and heifers are begin- pothermia (cold stress) and re- utilized for other important biolog- continued on page 27
ning the calving season and some covery when four different means
newborn calves are certain to be of assistance were provided. Hy- Located in one of the top cattle feeding counties in the state of Kansas
cold stressed after arrival. Getting pothermia of 86 degrees F. rectal
those cold stressed calves back to temperature was induced by im- Where personal attentione personal attention
normal body temperatures as soon mersion in cold water. Calves were to every detail to every detail
as possible will save the lives of re-warmed in a 68 to 77 degrees F. guarantees thatantees that
some calves and increase the vigor air environment where thermal Y COME FIRST at TMCME FIRST at TMC
of others. assistance was provided by added
Several years ago, an Oklaho- thermal insulation or by supple-
3500 Head
ma rancher called to tell of the mental heat from infrared lamps. 3500 Head
success he had noticed in using a Other calves were re-warmed by Capacity
warm water bath to revive new- immersion in warm water (100
born calves that had been severe- degrees F.), with or without a 40cc lSteam Flake Ration TMC Feeders LLC
TMC Feeders LLC
ly cold stressed. A quick check of drench of 20% ethanol in water. lConsulting Nutritionist 5010 Big Valley Drive
the scientific data on that subject Normal rectal temperatures for lOwner Management lOne-Load Pens Scott City, KS. 67871
bears out his observation. baby calves without cold stress lExcellent Pen & Equipment Maintenance Jim Miller
Jim Miller, Manager , Manager
Canadian animal scientists should be about 103 degrees F. 620-874-0591
Bob Thompson
compared methods of reviving hy- The time required to regain lRisk Management Bob Thompson
pothermic or cold stressed baby normal body temperature from a