Page 37 - MWC 3-10-2022s
P. 37

The Midwest Cattleman · March 10, 2022 · P37
         Three Tips to Get Ready for Calving Season

                                                                            By Tony Hawkins DVM, Valley Vet Supply Technical Service Veterinarian
         Calving season is an excit- cumstances where a calf might  doors to a calving
      ing time for us all as we gear  not have nursed enough, for  shed or barn to calve
      up to welcome our newest  calves born from heifers, or if  in a heavily bed-
      calf crop into the world. Help  you fear the cow’s colostrum  ded,  clean  pen  for
      make it the most successful  quality could be lacking. Co- added warmth and
      season possible by ensuring  lostrum supplements can also  reduced moisture. If
      adequate colostrum, prevent- offer a very good source of en- calving outdoors, an
      ing cold stress, and having a  ergy, fat, and  protein to help  area mostly free of
      calving kit at the ready.          jumpstart sick calves.             mud and  manure  –
      1: Ensure Adequate                 2: Keep Chilled Calves             with a wind break –
      Colostrum                          Warm                               is ideal. Cold stress
         Calves are born agamma-            The most severe result
      globulinemic, meaning they  from cold stress on calves is             can  pose great  risk
                                                                            to calves, especially
      have almost no antibodies to  death from hypothermia. If
      protect them against disease.  at all possible, bring cows in-           continued on page 39
      Simply, they're not born with
      any immune memory that we
      develop over our lifetime –            WHY ARE WE STILL HERE AFTER MORE THAN 25 YEARS?
      they receive those antibodies,
      an immediate source of immu-
      nity, and a very concentrated
      source of energy from their
      cow’s colostrum (the first milk
      produced following birth).
         Colostrum delivers some
      95%  of  the  antibodies a  calf
      obtains, plus a rich source of
      minerals, vitamins, and ener-
      gy.  It  provides  protection  for
      newborn calves against infec-
      tious  agents  during  the  first
      few months of life.
         Colostrum absorbance has
      a 24-hour window. That short
      time influences a calf’s life-
      time of health and produc-
      tivity. Because antibodies are
      very large molecules, the calf’s
      intestine is only capable of ab-
      sorbing this protection imme-
      diately following birth, with
      essentially no absorption pos-
      sible after the first 24 hours.

      Within the first 12 hours of a                           MAKE SURE YOU ARE
      calf’s life, ideally within the
      first four to six hours of life,                              IN OUR SPECIAL
      these calves should receive
      three to four quarts of colos-
      trum.                                                   BRAHMAN INFLUENCE
         Depending on if the calf
      nurses or not, we might have                                         FEATURE
      to tube them and get some
      colostrum replacers or colos-                                    MARCH 31ST
      trum supplements into them.                                                            6TH
      Keep in mind, there are colos-
      trum supplements and colos-
      trum replacers, and there is a
         Colostrum replacers have
      roughly double the level of
      antibodies in them, compared
      with colostrum supplements.
      If your calf doesn't receive
      any colostrum, then we would
      recommend giving them a co-                    PHONE: 417-644-2993 - EMAIL:  CATTLEMAN@CUTTINGEDGEUS.COM
      lostrum replacer. Colostrum
      supplements work well in cir-
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