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                                                                                 WE’VE SPENT A LIFETIME
                                                                                 DEVELOPING THE IDEAL RDD
                                               S                                 Pneu-Dart’s remote delivery device
                                                                                 helps keep your herd healthy by
                                               SPENT A PENT A  delivering highly effective medical
                                               LIFETIME IFETIME
                                               L                                 treatment with minimal trauma
                                                                                 through RDDs that are lighter,
                                                                                 shorter, and contain our patented
                               MANAGING ANAGING
                               M                                                 Slo-Inject   technology.  Shorter
                                                                                 lengths mean greater accuracy.
                                                                                 Lighter weights mean a reduction
                                                                                 in potential hematomas which can
                                 YO                                              reduce drug efficacy. 50+ years
                                                                                 making the best product on the
                                 YOUR HERDUR HERD   market. Just ask your cattle.

                                                                 O F S E R V I C E  >  866.299.DART
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