Page 9 - MWC 3-9-2023s
P. 9

Selecting your Replacement Heifers                                                            The Midwest Cattleman · March 9, 2023 · P9

      to Meet Long-term Herd Goals

       By Carolyn Ihde, University of Wisconsin-Madison
         As the seasons come and  attainment prior to the start  in subsequent breeding
      go, the production cycle of  of their first breeding season.  seasons.  Thus, helping to
      the beef herd also changes.  As a result, early born heifers  maintain a tight calving
      Cows calve, calves grow, and  conceive earlier in the breed- window to produce a more
      replacement heifers are se- ing season and therefore  consistently sized calf crop
      lected. Selecting replacement  calve earlier in the calving  in the following years.
      heifers using production re- season.  This in turn results              Take time during the
      cords, herd goals, and avail- in early born heifers having  winter  months to  deter-
      able resources can ensure  older and heavier calves at  mine your herd’s produc-
      the correct females are stay- weaning as well as improved
      ing in the production system. reproductive            performance               continued on page 16
         Just as purchasing a new
      herd bull can directly impact          1 188tthh  AAnnnnuuaall
      genetic improvement, select-
      ing replacement heifers that                    S SyyddGGeenn  SSpprriinngg  IInnfflluueennccee  SSaallee
      match your production goals
      and available resources can
      impact the bottom line. Pro-                                   T Tuueessddaayy,,  AApprriill  1111,,  22002233——66
      duction records are one tool in                       N Neeww  CCaammbbrriiaa  LLiivveessttoocckk,,  NNeeww  CCaammbbrriiaa,,  MMOO
      the selection process. Main-
      taining herd records on cow            S Seelllliinngg::  7777  RReeggiisstteerreedd  AAnngguuss  BBuullllss,,  iinncclluuddiinngg  2299  ffaallll  yyeeaarrlliinnggss  aanndd  oollddeerr
      productivity could include;                      5 599  22--YYeeaarr--OOlldd  CCoommmmeerrcciiaall  SSpprriinngg  PPaaiirrss
      calving date, birth weights,                     5 5  RReeggiisstteerreedd  22--YYeeaarr--oolldd  PPaaiirrss
      weaning weights, calving as-
      sistance, calf survivability,                                               Our goals from the beginning were to offer more Sydenstricker Gene�cs
      cow BCS, cow characteristics,                                              influenced bulls to commercial ca�lemen, with a good, solid “country bull
      calving intervals, and tem-                                               sale,” and the results have been very sa�sfying. This eighteenth anniversary
      perament. Heifers born from                                              sale will showcase our best quality offering yet, with several bulls ranking high
      dams needing assistance                                                              in the Angus breed for many performance traits.
      with calving and nursing be-                                                Also featuring the progeny and influence of :
      cause of teat or udder defects                                                    BCA  Jack Black 4112         SydGen FATE 0165
      or poor temperaments should                                                       BCA Jeremiah 5103          SydGen II Lombardi 9045
      not be retained. Knowing                SydGen Enhance     18170041                Connealy Cool 39L          SydGen Resolve 7132
      50% of a replacement heifer’s           11 sons, 14 grandsons, 2 paternal brothers   DE-SU Volunteer B122    SydGen Rock Star 8977
                                                     & 2 granddaughters sell
      genetics come from the dam,             The most widely used bull in recent �mes!   H P C A Early Bird 65     SydGen Stealth 8556
                                                                                                                     SydGen Titan 8035
      analyzing the dam’s collec-                                                     SydGen Advance GA 7301        BHF 1454 Elevate 852
                                                                                        SydGen Archer 9718
      tive data before you head out                                                    SydGen Bang GA 0346          Connealy Stronghold
      to sort heifers into the “keep”                                                SydGen BAR Landslide 5246    Deer Valley Growth Fund
      or “feedlot” pen can make de-                                                       SydGen C C & 7              ESF Trust J802
      cisions easier at the sorting                                                    SydGen Early Bird 9355         G A R Quantum
      gate.                                                                            SydGen Eternity 0046            Poss Rawhide
         Knowing which heifers                                                          SydGen Exceed 3223        Square B True North 8052
      look good on paper can help                                                      SydGen Expansion 5917       Tehama Patriarch F028
      keep you from selecting only                                              Contribu�ng Breeders:
      one trait, like body size. For         SydGen KCF Gavel 8361     19195196   Blair Carney Angus, Adair, IA ▪ Bellis Family Farms, Orrick, MO ▪ Boot Hill
      instance, using records to                   10 sons & 2 grandsons sell      Farms LLC, Hamilton, MO ▪ Brandt Farms, Corning, IA ▪  Collier Ca�le,
      calculate a 205-day wt. when           The $280,000 highest-valua�on sire ever sold at
      selecting  heifers  at  weaning        SydGen, and top 5%  or higher for WW, YW,   Dongola, IL ▪ Eggers Stock Farm, Jackson, MO ▪ GP Angus, Hamilton, MO ▪
                                             RADG, YH, Claw, Angle, CW, $F, $B and $C.
      can determine which heifers                                                Graupman Angus, Palmyra, MO ▪ H & H Land & Ca�le, Midway, AR ▪ Lenz
      meet your growth rate goals.                                                Farms, Prairie Home, MO ▪ Mershon Ca�le LLC, Buckner, MO ▪ Kenny &
      Keeping the biggest heifers                                                 Landon Petree, Bunceton, MO ▪ Wallis Angus Farms, Millersville, MO ▪
      each year could have a detri-                                                             Walnut Creek  Angus, Winchester, IL
      mental effect. Yes, you could
      be keeping the most efficient                                                      Call Farm Office for Catalog (573) 581-1225
      growing  heifers, but  in the                                                       Sale Broadcast on line on DVAuc�
      long run, this could move the
      size of the mature cow herd            SydGen Big Branch 6653   18665346    Bulls and females will be at the sale site by noon on Tuesday, April 12.
                                                                                    Because of varied loca�ons, only some of the bulls will have videos
      to a larger-than-desired ma-                  5 sons & 1 grandson sell                    available. Check
      ture-cow size. Knowing the             Top 1% for CED, 4% for BW, 5% for Claw & $F,
      “big” heifers are bigger than          and 10% for Heifer Pregnancy, Milk and RE—he’s                            Semen Always Available
                                             got performance with phenotype!
      their counterparts due to age
      and not genotype  is helpful            Registered Angus Ca�le Since 1952                                                   Visitors Welcome
      in selection. Select the old-           Eddie Sydenstricker                                                      Farm Office (573) 581-1225
      est heifers that meet your              Sydenstricker Nobbe Partners John Deere                                  Ben Eggers  (573) 473-9202
      criteria.  Early  born  heifers         (573) 581-5900                      3997 S Clark       Mexico, MO  65265   Bub Raithel (573) 253-1664
      have higher rates of puberty        Blake McDonald (573) 205-7914
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