Page 13 - MWC 02-04-2021s
P. 13

The Midwest Cattleman · February 4, 2021 · P13
        Make Sure You’re Meeting Water Needs This Winter
                                                                  By Terri Queck Matzie

         Of all the nutrients needed        “Footing is crucial,” says Lar-   Greater     one-time    access     If using a well as the water
      by cattle the one most import- son. “If it is hard to get to the      space is required in range sit- source, be sure to test the water
      ant, and often most overlooked,  tank, less aggressive animals  uations  where cattle  are  only  periodically to ensure contin-
      is water.                          won’t drink as much as they  allowed near the water source  ued safety.
         “We tend to think of water  should.”  The problem exists  for part of the day.                       Winter woes
      needs in the summer, when hot  both in the feedlot and the pas-       Keep it clean                        In much of the U.S., winter
      temps cause evaporation and  ture, where access to ponds can            Water      quality    matters. brings  the added  pressure  of
      put cattle under stress increas- be as much a problem as porta-       Whatever the season or source,  keeping water sources thawed
      ing their water needs,” says Bob  ble tanks.                          drinking water must be kept  in freezing temperatures.
      Larson, veterinarian and pro-         Tank  space  is  also  import-  clean of debris, feed and feces.     “If cattle are without water
      fessor of production medicine  ant.  The experts say 8 feet of        “Cattle prefer visually clean  for several hours while the tank
      at Kansas State University.  perimeter  is required for  100          water,” says Larson. “If it is not,  thaws, you could be headed for
      “But water is just as important  head. Others say 10% of the          they may not drink as much as  health and production prob-
      in the winter.”                    cattle using the tank should be    required.”                                      continued on page 32
         Several  factors  contribute  able to drink at any one time.
      to an animal’s water needs, ac-
      cording to Larson, like animal
      size, type and diet.
         “Obviously, the bigger the
      animal, the greater  the  daily
      water requirement,” he ex-
      plains. A general rule of thumb
      is 1 gallon for every 100 pounds.
         As  weight  increases,  so  too
      will the water needs. A calf near
      the end of the finishing stage
      will need more water, as will a
      lactating cow vs. a dry one.
         “One of the more common
      problems we see is a produc-
      er expanding feedlot capacity
      without adding extra water,”
      says Larson. “You can’t expand
      beyond your water source.”
      Diet matters
         An animal’s feed ration will
      affect water requirements. Lar-
      son says moist feedstuffs like si-
      lage provide some of the needed
      water, as do feed supplements
      like wet distillers grains or
      gluten. “The water included in
      the diet will decrease the water
      needed from the tank,” he says.
         Likewise,  dry  feeds  like  dry
      forage, or even poor-quality for-
      age, can increase water needs.
      A high-quality finish ration
      will create the largest demand,
      accentuated by the size of the
         Stocker calves consuming
      a high protein diet that can
      be high in salt will need more
         “Be aware when you change
      rations, water needs will change
      as well,” says Larson.
      Manage the mud
         Cattle not only need ade-
      quate water; they need to have
      ready access.  “Along with the
      appropriate delivery rate, stor-
      age and well capacity, you have
      to make the water source easy
      to get to,” says Larson.
         That can especially be a prob-
      lem with freezing and thawing
      causing muddy conditions.
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