Page 26 - MWC 8-6-20s
P. 26

The Midwest Cattleman · August 6, 2020 · P26
        A Competitive Position for Future Success

                By Megan Slater
         The American  Gelbvieh  Balancer  bulls
      Association (AGA) is tasked  were           accept-
      with providing information  ed  for  use  in
      on Gelbvieh and Balancer®  the            Integrity
      cattle and assisting mem- Beef Alliance
      bers and customers with the  program. The
      tools to be successful in to- Integrity  Beef
      day’s  modern  beef  industry.  Alliance is a
      Aside from this, another very  program  that
      important role of the AGA is  simplifies  cow-
      to continue to increase breed  calf       producer
      acceptance and industry rel- management
      evance of Gelbvieh and Bal- decisions  and
      ancer genetics, and ultimate- increases         the
      ly gain market share. This is  marketabil -
      why one of the primary areas  ity of calves
      of focus in the AGA Meeting  through            the
      Modern Industry Demands  production               of
      Strategic Plan is the Gelbvieh  high-quality,
      and Balancer breed’s compet- uniform,           pre-
      itive position within the beef  conditioned
      industry.                          cattle. Gelbvieh
         The AGA has continued to  and Balancer’s                                                                            Photo - B/F Cattle Co.
      see an increase in industry  access into this program is  “Balancer, Balancer” on the                      All of these things point
      acceptance and demand for  a small step to not only con- block on one of the biggest  toward the Gelbvieh and Bal-
      Gelbvieh and Balancer genet- tinuing to gain industry-wide  stages in the livestock market  ancer breed being in a very
      ics. This can be seen in sever- acceptance, but to also gain  arena.                                    competitive position right
      al different areas.                market share.                        People have gained much  now. Not only is our indus-
         For example, the popularity        For several years now, the  more familiarity with both  try acceptance increasing,
      of the name Balancer is grow- AGA has grown its relation- Gelbvieh and Balancer and  but  Continental  breeds  and
      ing and gaining increased  ship with Superior Livestock  this has increased the aware- hybrid cattle are in high de-
      beef    industry     acceptance. Auction and other video mar- ness of the positive impacts  mand right now.  Those pro-
      When I started with the asso- keting  companies  such as  Gelbvieh-influenced                   cattle ducers who have been using
      ciation nearly six short years  Western  Video Market and  can have on all sectors of the  straightbred English or even
      ago, we would often get asked,  Cattle Country Video to help  beef industry. In fact, BEEF  English x English crosses are
      “What’s a Balancer?” Now  promote the breed to both buy- Magazine’s 2019 Seedstock  now looking to add Continen-
      when we interact with people  ers and sellers. Through these  100 list stated Balancers were  tal into their herd, and there
      in the industry, we are getting  valued partnerships, we have  one of only two breeds that  is no better solution than Gel-
      comments from producers  seen a tremendous increase  were offered by more S100  bvieh.
      saying they’ve heard a lot of  in the number of lots that are  operations from year to year.               The  AGA has history of
      good things about Balancers  listed as Gelbvieh and Bal- Seedstock 100 operations  being a proponent of cross-
      and want more information.         ancer sired rather than just  marketed 32 different breeds  breeding and was the first
         Another example of in- Angus-cross or black-hided.  and composites, of those 6%  cattle breed registry to regis-
      dustry acceptance happened  We have also seen an increase  offered  Balancer  and  5%  of- ter hybrid cattle. In addition,
      in 2018 when Gelbvieh and  of the auctioneers calling out  fered Gelbvieh.                              the AGA has also prided itself
                                                                              One thing we have start- on maintaining commercial
        JUG Livestock Waterers                                              ed to see in the beef indus- focus and always wanting to
                                                                            try is the overwhelming ac- serve the customer. For de-
         WesLynn Enterprises                                                ceptance of crossbreeding in  cades, members of the  AGA
                                                                            herds throughout the coun- have been raising cattle that
                                                                            try. Many producers are look- work for the commercial pro-
                                                                            ing for ways to add heterosis  ducer and now these genetics
                                                                            and capitalize on all of the  are no longer a secret. This is
                                                                            benefits crossbreeding has to  why  the  AGA  and its  mem-
                                                                            offer.  More  and  more  buyers  bers must not lose sight of
                                                                            and feedyards are wanting  raising quality genetics and
                                                                            to know exactly what those  remembering whom we are
                                                                            black-hided cattle are. Feedy- here to serve, because our
             Performance Tested for over 25 years                           ards are asking more specific  time is now.
               Clean Fresh Water Every Time
                    Open Bowl Design                                        questions about the genetics
             Draw Tube for Natural Drinking Action                          and management of the cat-
          Feed Trap Keeps Feed out of Water Reservoir                       tle they are buying: Are they
            No Flap, Disks or Balls for animal to move                      crossbred and do they have
                           Ph: 515-771-6036        Continental influence?
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