Page 25 - MWC 8-6-20s
P. 25
in the feedyard with increased product. According to the U.S. The Midwest Cattleman · August 6, 2020 · P25
efficiency and growth, Balanc- Meat Animal Research Cen-
er cattle make the grade and ter progress report #22, Gelb-
deliver the value on the rail. vieh rank #1 for percent retail
Many feeders have report- product.
ed Balancer-sired cattle that In 2016, the American Gel-
grade 90 percent Choice or bvieh Foundation launched its
better. In today’s marketplace first annual Steer Challenge
where higher quality grades and Scale and Rail Sire-Iden-
yield a premium, Gelbvieh tified Carcass Contest, which
and Balancer-influenced cat- helps to provide information
tle meet those modern indus- necessary to advance Gelbvieh
try demands. and Balancer carcass merit. A
In addition to quality grade, total of 103 head participat-
Gelbvieh and Balancer-influ- ed in the 2017 contest and all
enced cattle have been prov- head were harvested in July
en to excel in percent retail 2017. These cattle graded 85
percent Choice or better, with stands for feeder profit index. stated that “many companies
91 percent of the FPI aids producers in select- were willing to pay a premi-
cattle finishing ing sires whose progeny will um for guaranteed quality …
Yield Grade 1, 2, perform in the feedyard and Tenderness and flavor contin-
or 3. These cat- are sold on a grade and yield ue to be the two beef quality
tle also had an standpoint. Well ranking sires factors that drive customer
average dress- for FPI have higher marbling satisfaction.”
ing percentage and carcass weight than their Gelbvieh and Balancer pro-
of 64.42 percent. contemporaries. The average ducers are committed to im-
The AGA FPI over the last 20 years has proving the carcass genetics of
is committed increased within the Gelbvieh the breed with each calf crop
to continually and Balancer breed by $19.14, to produce a tasty, satisfying
strengthening proving Gelbvieh and Balanc- eating experience for the con-
Gelbvieh and er cattle are meeting modern sumer. Since 2010, the genetic
Balancer car- industry demands. trend for marbling has been
cass value on the On the Plate steadily increasing.
rail by providing The 2016 Beef Quality American Gelbvieh
producers with Audit published by National Association
FPI™, which Cattlemen’s Beef Association
continued from page 17 continued from page 16
these areas. Therefore, a time potential buyers. If selling at
limit of one-half hour in the auction, be sure to inform the
confined cattle working area auction market of what all the
should limit the heat gain and cattle have had vaccination
therefore the heat stress. wise, how long they have been
3. Make every effort to see weaned and how much feed
that cool, fresh, water is avail- they have been receiving.
able to cattle in close confined By preconditioning calves,
areas for any length of time. increased revenue and prof-
During hot weather condi- it potential can be realized. If
tions cattle will drink more facilities are a limiting factor,
than 1% of their body weight consider investing some of this
per hour. Producers need to year’s calf receipts into im-
be certain that the water sup- proving your abilities to sell
ply lines are capable of keep- higher value feeder calves.
ing up with demand, if work-
ing cattle during hot weather.