Page 26 - MWC 8-20-20s
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ADDING could not keep the cows from The Midwest Cattleman · August 20, 2020 · P26
continued from page 9 tearing down the fence. MINERAL oz per head per day. If consump-
Remember, there are other continued from page 17
morbidity was half of indus- stressors to consider besides tion does not reach the desired
try average (16%). At a modest maternal separation. The most point would be to add 1 part level, consider changing miner-
cost ($2 per dose), vaccinating stressful events in a bull calf’s feed to 5 parts mineral. This als.
calves against viral BRD-caus- life are castration, weaning, would be approximately 10 lbs Taking time to monitor min-
ing pathogens is an inexpen- transport/marketing, new en- per 50 lb bag of mineral. If cattle eral consumption is an easy
sive insurance policy. vironment adaptation and diet over-consume the mineral due task that can help guide man-
•Weaning method: Pas- changes. Many bull calves in to the addition of feed, cut the agement decisions. Ensuring
ture-based preconditioning the U.S. have all five of those added feed in half the next time cattle are consuming mineral
programs offer an exciting al- stressful events crunched into you deliver mineral. Continue at the appropriate level is key
ternative for producers who a short time frame. No wonder this process until the desired to proper mineral nutrition and
wish to retain ownership of BRD is still the leading cause consumption is reached. Don’t overall cattle health and perfor-
their calves through the feedlot. of morbidity and mortality in forget to account for that added mance.
We weaned calves in a drylot the feedlot. feed when calculating mineral
or on Flint Hill pasture in No- The best advice I can give consumption. For example, if
vember 2011. Pasture-weaned about successful weaning is the recommended intake is 4
calves gained 0.4 pound per to spread stressful events out oz per head per day of mineral,
day more than drylot-precondi- over time. Take a good look but 10 lbs of feed is added, the
tioned cohorts during finishing. at current management prac- intake needs to increase to 4.8
Also, the health of the calves tices and ask if any can be
was not different between the improved upon to reduce calf A STORY dedicated to insuring customer
two weaning methods. If a pro- stress around weaning. Indus- continued from page 19 accomplishment and profit.”
ducer plans to market their try-affiliated preconditioning While Cason has made many
calves after preconditioning, it programs follow specific guide- In an industry that often edits and published ample proof
is essential to increase weight lines for marketing a calf as sees the average breeder last- of why he is such a fan of Sim-
gain during preconditioning. preconditioned through the re- ing only about six years, Cason mental, the Cason's Pride &
Doing so allows you to cap- spective programs. Remember, thinks it is critical to develop Joy Simmental story has never
ture revenue from both the to market as calf as precondi- relationships with his custom- been exclusively about the cat-
market premium and the ad- tioned, it is necessary to follow ers in order to go the distance. tle or the profits.
ditional pounds of calf sold. A industry guidelines. Following “I offer to look at their calves, “My Simmentals are still my
pasture-based preconditioning the guidelines will make your and invite them to come talk pride and joy,” he said, “But two
program will not support sig- cattle eligible for any premi- with me before the bull sale,” years ago, we got our first grand-
nificant weight gain in newly ums generated at auction. Cason said. “About half of my child and now, along with a new
weaned calves if conducted Do not consider the precon- customers will call ahead of little granddaughter, they have
during the dormant season of ditioning premium as the only time, and I send them the list of become my pride and joy. I have
the forage. However, it could source of additional revenue. In bulls that I think will work for put pressure on myself all my
be an attractive alternative to Dr. Hilton’s preconditioning re- them, with recommendations life to do things right. It's just
save on feed costs if ownership search at Purdue, two-thirds of for what are the right genet- the way it is. I don't stop for too
is retained through the feedlot. the profit from a precondition- ics for their program. It puts a many things when I'm working,
lot of pressure on me, but I try
General recommendations ing program was from addi- to go the extra mile to satisfy and I never dreamed that hav-
Rather than debating wean- tional weight gain. Make sure every customer. If they'll man- ing a grandchild would change
ing tactics (fenceline weaning, calves are gaining weight after age their bulls, it will pay them me so much. But I stop for my
nose flaps, etc.), think about the weaning. Access to a low-quali- dividends and get them seven grandson Tucker. Family is ex-
bigger picture. Weaning meth- ty round bale and 2 to 3 pounds or eight years out of those bulls. tremely important to me.”
ods discussed in popular press of supplement per head is not I hammer that home.” Apparently there is room for
articles are meant to ease the going to support the weight Val Eberspacher, CPJS's more than one love in the heart
stress of maternal separation gain needed. Try to get calves sale manager, noted the extra of a man who once upon a time
only. It is important to ease the to gain 2 to 2.5 pounds per day. efforts the Cason's will take to was swept away by Simmental.
stress of maternal separation, Work with your local extension aid their customers. “Your suc- And so, the plot thickens in Ca-
and producers may have more service, feed company or inde- cess in the livestock business son's Pride & Joy Simmental
success with one tactic over an- pendent nutrition consultant is very important to this fami- story that continues to be writ-
other. I have had little success to put a diet together that will ly,” he wrote in an introductory ten.
with fenceline weaning, most- be profitable. statement in the 2019 Mater-
ly because I lack the facilities Keep stress down, keep nally Inspired Female Sale cat-
to keep cows and calves apart the plane of nutrition up, and alog. “And customer service is
effectively. One year, I got to watch calves put extra dollars second to none. It is refreshing
wean the same set of calves in your pocket. to work with a firm that is so
three days in a row because I
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