Page 29 - MWC 08-19-2021s
P. 29

Limousin (cont)                  Red Angus (cont)                   Shorthorn (cont)                  Simmental (cont)

                                                                             “Quality in every Weigh”
                                                                                 Polled Shorthorn Cattle
                                                                              Top Genetics available for
                                                                                    your selection                 Quality Simmental cattle to grow on.
        Bulls & Females Available             Large Selection Red Angus Bulls,                                    Fullbloods, Full Fleckvieh and Fleckvieh
                                                                                                                   influenced Fullbloods and Purebreeds.
            Polled Red & Black                      Yearlings - 2 Yrs.        Hugh Moore Jr. & Sons
                                             Ken Keesaman   H:816-675-2503         31056 Old Fidelity Rd.           Semen, embryos and foundation
                                                                                                                      stock available at the ranch.
        PRAIRIE CREEK RANCH                               C:816-390-4988           Jerseyville, IL 62052           P.O. Box 3832 • Joplin, MO 64803
                  Richards, MO               Kody Keesaman H:816-675-2281   (Located 40 miles North of St. Louis)    Phone and Fax: 316-856-2338
              417-448-7321                        Osborn, MO 64474                Web Page: http//
                                                                                                                    Email:       email:
                                                                                 Polled Shorthorn Bulls                    Misc.
              LIMOUSIN CATTLE                      Red Poll                   ~ Practical genetics and environment ~
              Bulls - Black & Reds                                               For profit minded cattlemen.
           Bred Heifers & Open Heifers                                              Robert Sneed  •  Sedalia, MO
            Double J Ranch • Mindenmines, MO                                              660-826-1718

          Will’s cell:  Ron & Will James  Ron’s cell:
        417-350-9810  417-842-3353  417-214-0279
              Red Angus

                                                                             Join us for our 2021 Spring Sale:
                                                                                       March 20th.


                                                                             Black Simmental Bulls
                                                     Salers                           SI NCE 199 3
                                                                                               •Calving Ease
                                          Rockin R Ranch    Seedstock for Sale                 •Athletic
                                          Gary Richter       Igenity Profiling                  •Sound Footed
                                          Guthrie Center, IA 50115            Heifer-mate to Bulls for Sale •Docile
                                                              all sale cattle
                                                                                Mike Williams
                                                                              Higginsville, Missouri   WE
         Balanced & Proven Genetics                       Salers                816-797-5450    DELIVER          Highland Cattle Registry
                                                                                                                Heartland Highland Cattle
              Dan: 913-909-1912                  Cell: 641-757-1291                                               Association & Registry
                                                                                                                 Open Registry for Foundation Highlands
                                                  Web:                                       For more info and a free information packet
      s                              s              Rockin R Ranch page                                          417.345.0575 or text 417.733.3201

                                             Santa Gertrudis                                               

                                                                                  Jason Haase/Harriman
         Robert & Susan Felten              Santa Gertrudis Bulls             Jason Haase / Harriman Sale
                                                                                   30 Powerful SimAngus
                                                                                        18 mo bulls
              Cell: 660-621-2083              Registered & Polled                   Bulls & Females
                                                                                   Sat. Oct. 31st
             Farm: 660-834-3445               Jim Campbell Farm                 • Deep Ribbed • Heavy Muscled •
                                                                                • Developed on Large Pasture •
         9747 M Hwy | Pilot Grove, MO 65276      Cameron, MO                       Many for use on yrlg hfrs
                                                                                   Windsor Sale Barn                816-830-3033                          Private treaty
      s                              s                                              24 mi SE of Lebanon
                                                                                       Windsor, MO
           Red Angus Bulls                        Shorthorn                      Call Jason 417/531-3234
             Heart of Missouri Farms                                               Or Bob 660/492-2504
                  Tipton, MO                                                
                                                  Continuing the Merideth tradition of breeding quality shorthorn cattle

                                           Merideth Land & Cattle Company, located just outside
                                          of Fayette, Missouri, strives to create relationships with
                                           cattlemen who wish to improve their Shorthorn cattle
                                               inventory through superior genetics.
                                          YEARLING BULLS FOR SALE.  GREAT EPD'S
                                                  Dr. Reuben Merideth,
                                            Rusty Merideth,  and Wanda Merideth
                                          1559 Highway 124 Fayette, Missouri 65248
                                          573-489-2739 | Email:
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