Page 26 - MWC 08-19-2021s
P. 26
EARLY PREGNANCY FOUR NEVER FAIL The Midwest Cattleman · August 19, 2021 · P26
continued from page 7 continued from page 11 ally be rotated every three and that opens an opportuni-
tion of these methods within a help promote regrowth. This days. Longer grazing peri- ty to improve conditions for
herd may be a valuable tool to is best done after the grazing ods tend to enhance differ- frost-seeding clover mid-win-
accomplish marketing goals. event to even the stand. If it ences in growth with more ter.
Other Considerations hasn’t been grazed yet and it spots overgrazed and under Number 4 – Never return
is starting to mature, a quick grazed and very little in be-
For producers whose first- grazing over it can help to tween that is considered to a pasture in less than
calf heifers calve in the Jan- reset it or hay could be taken more ideal. You also start 30 days.
uary - May time frame, utiliz- off the site for winter use if seeing more undesirable spe- On average, this is a good
ing early pregnancy diagnosis it won’t be needed for grazing cies appearing and desirable rule. That time frame is
on these heifers as yearlings species being reduced. usually enough under nor-
provides producers the op- in the near future. mal conditions to get ade-
Though quality of the for-
portunity to timely market Number 3 – Never graze quate regrowth to be able to
non-pregnant heifers. These age will be better if seed closer than three inches. graze the field again. Quite
heads are controlled, there
non-pregnant heifers can be I often mention trying often during the spring rapid
marketed as soon as they are situations, especially to maintain “stop grazing” growth period, that is too
when you are trying to build
are identified, or a producer heights. Those are the short- long. I prefer to keep rotat-
may choose to continue to put soil organic matter, when est forages present, not the ing pastures in the spring
letting a field sit idle and
weight on them and market tallest. It’s important to until that first paddock is
later if conditions warrant. mature is good. This allows maintain a certain amount ready to be grazed again
sufficient time for the plants
These non-pregnant heifers of leaf growth to keep the and then start over. If you
may also be implanted provid- to fully express themselves “solar panel” in good working don’t do that, there will be
and allows for maximum
ed that ownership will be re- condition. When a minimum a lot more fields potential-
tained long enough to see the root depth. These stands can amount of forage is main- ly getting out of control and
then be strip grazed allowing
benefit of the implant. tained, the plants are also rule number one goes out the
For producers, leaving the livestock to eat the best able to continue to support window. Later in the season,
bulls with the cows for a long and lay down the rest. their root system better, keep when things often get hotter
breeding season provides Number 2 – Never let the ground covered better, and drier, the rest period is
the opportunity to potential- livestock graze more keep the soil cooler and usu- usually closer to 45-50 days.
ly get a higher percentage of than seven continuous ally help support more re- It’s best to just keep an eye
cows pregnant. Cows that will days on a pasture. growth. Stop grazing height on the forages, reassess them
calve later than desired can This is actually a really is the amount of residual live on a regular basis and move
be sold to someone else whose good rule of thumb. When plant material left behind according to the amount of
calving season fits that time animals are left too long on after a grazing event. If some forage present as suggested
frame. This can be a way to an allocation, they will even- of the forage has been grazed in rule number three.
capture additional value from tually stop grazing existing down to 1.5 inches, then that There are still dry areas
later calving cows that would vegetation and move to re- is the residual height and, in around. There are also
otherwise be sold as non-preg- growth. Specifically, new re- most cases, it is considered areas that were blessed with
nant females in a short breed- growth from what was just overgrazed at this point. enough rain that now when
ing season – provided feed re- grazed. Stop grazing heights vary ac- it is turning drier, the plants
sources allow this. Why? Because it is gen- cording to the species being are very quickly reacting to
Summary erally a higher nutritional grazed. Short cool season it. After being wet for extend-
Non-pregnant heifers and plane than the older growth. forages like Kentucky blue- ed periods of time, plants get
cows as well as cull/bred cows The forage needs some R&R grass and white clover are lazy and some don’t put down
can provide as much as 20% before being grazed off again more tolerant to closer graz- good, deep roots. So, when it
of the gross income to a cow- to help maintain the plant ing. Most tall cool season for- does turn dry, they tend to be
calf operation on an annual and the quality of the sward. ages like orchardgrass and affected more than usual.
basis. Taking advantage of op- When the livestock switch tall fescue are best kept at There is a lot about graz-
portunities to effectively add to new regrowth, what they least four inches. Tall warm ing that is more art than
value to and market these then avoid tends to get rank- season forages such as big science and a whole lot of
cows through the use of time- er and avoided even more. bluestem, Indiangrass and “it depends.” Keep your eye
ly pregnancy diagnosis along Some grazing ruminants Switchgrass need to have a on the forage. Remember,
with an understanding of have the ability and desire minimum of six inches but do it’s not about maximizing a
market seasonality can allow to be more selective and per- better with 8-10 inches. That grazing event, but maximiz-
producers to capture more haps have more sensitivity to goes for grazing and mechan- ing a grazing season! Keep
profit from this segment of nutritional needs, like sheep, ical harvest. The exception on grazing!
the cow-calf operation. and they’ll switch to regrowth to the rule is post dormancy
within about three days. early winter. Forages will
UNL Sheep, therefore, should re- tolerate a closer grazing then
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