Page 15 - MWC 4-21-2022s
P. 15
The Impact of Bull Selection – Part 2 The Midwest Cattleman · April 21, 2022 · P15
Last time I left you with Now we consider the ge-
the question: Which bull netic values of two new po-
transmits more profit poten- tential herd bulls.
tial to this operation? Before
the answer, a brief recap of • WW HP Milk MW
the example: New Herd 71 15 20 68
In a herd using bulls as Bull 1
rotational sires, selecting the
best 20% of heifers to develop New Herd 101 9 20 122 If we select Bull 1 •Average weaning weight
Bull 2
as replacements, and selling •1,380-pound average ma- 500 pounds
all other calves at weaning, What should we expect if ture cow size •Pounds of Calf Weaned/
with the following levels per- we fast forward 5 – 6 years? •91% pregnancy rate Exposed Female = 440
formance: •88% calf crop weaned continued on page 16
•1,400-pound average ma-
ture cow weight
•85% pregnancy rate
•82% calf crop weaned
•Average weaning weight
500 pounds
•Pounds of Calf Weaned/
Exposed Female = 410
This data indicates that
improving the Pounds of Calf
Weaned/Exposed Female on
a whole herd basis results in
more profit potential of this
Average genetic values of
five bulls that sired the exist-
ing cowherd:
• WW HP Milk MW
Average: 71 9 20 88
Lincoln Gelbvieh
Lincoln Gelbvieh
Breeding Balancers
& Gelbvieh cattle for
over 40 years.
Presently nice selection of
Presently nice selection of
bulls av
bulls available for sale, ranging ailable for sale, ranging
in age from 14 months to 24
in age from 14 months to 24
months of age.
months of age. Priced with the Priced with the
commercial cattleman in mind. tleman in mind.
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ease coupled with gain-ability
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