Page 26 - MWC 4-20-2023s
P. 26

The Midwest Cattleman · April 20, 2023 · P26
            Antibiotic Stewardship-What to do
         Now to Prepare for Changes Ahead

                                                  By Dr. Michelle Arnold, UK Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
         On June 11th, 2021, The  health”. Examples of re- al practice where a valid  do to establish and main-
       Food and Drug  Adminis- sponsible practices include  veterinarian-client-patient  tain a VCPR with you?” The
       tration    (FDA)      finalized 1) only using antibiotics  relationship  exists. Veteri- law requires the veterinar-
       a Guidance for Industry  when  necessary  to  treat  a  narians  employed  by  drug  ian to be familiar with the
       (GFI) #263, which outlines  sick animal; 2) establishing  manufacturers or distrib- client,  the  livestock,  and
       the process for animal drug  vaccination  protocols  and  utors may not legally dis- the management of the an-
       manufacturers  to  change  other  disease  prevention  pense prescription drugs  imals on the farm through
       all  remaining  antibiotic  plans to reduce the need for  to  laypersons  unless  they  “medically                        appropriate
       formulations used in ani- antibiotics; and 3) livestock  meet the above criteria.                      and timely visits” to the
       mal health care from over- owners  and  veterinarians  Similarly, practicing veteri- place the animals are kept.
       the-counter (OTC) to pre- working together to make  narians or their employees  Scheduling routine veter-
       scription  status.  Products  decisions to improve the  may not legally sell pre- inary visits to the farm at
       commonly used by beef pro- overall animal health and  scription  animal drugs  to  intervals established by the
       ducers such as injectable  welfare of the herd over the  walk-in customers unless  veterinarian  is a  perfect
       penicillin  and  oxytetracy- long term.                              the same criteria are met.”  way to meet this require-
       cline (for example, LA300)           Given that this change  Therefore, the first step to  ment.  At a minimum, the
       will  no  longer  be  available  is less than 6 months away,  do now is establish a valid  veterinarian needs to know
       without a prescription from  what  can  a  livestock  pro- veterinary-client-patient  the  livestock  business  you
       a veterinarian as of June  ducer  do  now  to  prepare  relationship (VCPR). Ken- are in (commercial cow/
       2023. Specifically, all dos- for it? For a veterinarian  tucky has its own defini- calf;                        stocker/background-
       age  forms  of  medically  im- to  legally  sell or  prescribe  tion  of a  VCPR (see Box 1  er; seedstock operation),
       portant  antimicrobials  ap- prescription products, FDA  below).  Although the rules  what vaccines are routinely
       proved for use in animals  states,  “A licensed veteri- are straightforward, how to  given and when, what dis-
       will only be available from,  narian may legally use or  build a VCPR first requires  eases are recurring prob-
       or under the supervision of,  dispense a prescription an- communication with a vet- lems  at  the  farm  and  how
       a licensed veterinarian, and  imal drug only within the  erinarian and asking the  you typically treat them
       only when necessary for  course of her/his profession- question “What do I need to                                   continued on page 30
       the treatment, control, or
       prevention of specific dis-
       eases. Producers will need
       to consult a veterinarian
       to  obtain all  antibiotics  in
       any form (injectable, bolus,
       topical,  intramammary)  or
       to request a prescription to
       purchase them from a dis-
         FDA’s goal through GFI
       #263 is to curb the develop-
       ment of antibiotic-resistant
       bacteria  and,  in  turn,  re-
       duce the risk of human in-
       fections that are difficult to
       treat due to ineffective an-
       tibiotics. To accomplish the
       goal, FDA is promoting the
       implementation of “respon-
       sible antibiotic stewardship
       practices in veterinary med-
       icine” which are defined as
       “actions that preserve the
       effectiveness  of  antibiotics
       while maintaining  animal

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