Page 30 - MWC 4-20-2023s
P. 30

The Midwest Cattleman · April 20, 2023 · P30

        Apr 29   Aschermann Charolais Bull Sale, Carthage, MO               May 13*A Bar Ranch Spring Production Sale, Claremore, OK 918-607-6808
        Apr 29   Great American Pie Annual Limousin Sale, Lebanon, MO       May 13  Central States BBU Mid America Futurity & Sale, Locust Grove, OK

        May  1   Gardiner Angus Ranch “Meating Demand” Bull Sale, Ashland, KS  May 19*SW MO Show-Me-Select Heifer Sale, Carthage, MO 417-276-3313
        May  5 *SEMO Show-Me-Select Bred Heifer Sale, Fruitland, MO 660-281-5518  May 20  Show-Me-Select Bred Heifer Sale, Vienna, MO
        May  6 *HHCA 12th Spring Highland Cattle Auction, Springfield, MO 417-345-0575  May 20*West Central Show-Me-Select Bred Heifer Sale, Kingsville, MO 816-380-8460

        May  6   Soaring Eagle of the Ozarks Female Sale, Springfield, MO   Jun   3    North Missouri Show-Me-Select Bred Heifer Sale, Palmyra, MO
        May  7 *Jim D. Bellis Family Hereford Production Sale, Aurora, MO 417-466-8679  Jun 10 * Wallen Prairie Ranch Production Sale, Lockwood, MO 417-808-0296
        May 12*Show-Me-Select Bred Heifer Sale, Farmington, MO 573-756-4539

                                *LOOK FOR OUR AD IN THE MIDWEST CATTLEMAN*


                   **Sale Dates as published earlier this season. Sales are subject to change or cancellation.  Confirm directly with Breeder or Sale Management.

      ANTIBIOTIC                         be considered a failure and  when all other label direc- idue Avoidance  Databank
      continued from page 26             what the next step should  tions are met. The only way  (FARAD) for guidance in
                                         be when failure is recog- a  drug  can  legally be  used  establishing the required
      (for example, pinkeye, foot  nized.  The treatment pro- extra label is when it is  withdrawal time.
      rot, bronchopneumonia, calf  tocol needs to be discussed  prescribed by a veterinari-                      Bottom Line: Talk to your
      scours, etc.) and any health  with every person on the  an, who must also issue an  veterinarian, sooner rather
      concerns that may be on the  farm who may be involved  extended withdrawal inter- than later!
      horizon. Some veterinari- in identifying, pulling and  val. Veterinarians can con-
      ans will execute a written  treating an animal in the  tact the Food  Animal Res-
      VCPR agreement although  herd.
      it is not required.                   Although producers ex-
         Once the VCPR is estab- press frustration if a vet-
      lished and recognized by  erinarian does not honor a
      both the client and the vet- request for a prescription                  You’ve got to ‘hang around’ in the
      erinarian, then the discus- medication or veterinary                         right places if you want to get
      sions  can begin regarding  feed directive (VFD), it is
      how to obtain prescription  important to understand                                           attention...
      antibiotics after June 2023.  that any violative antibiotic
      Working with the veteri- residue detected at slaugh-                                        Your Ad
      narian to establish when  ter will result in an inves-
      antibiotics are necessary  tigation of the veterinarian
      before illness occurs is cru- who  prescribed the  drug,                            Could be Here!
      cial to having the drugs on  even if the drug was admin-
      hand when needed. Setting  istered improperly by the
      up treatment  protocols in  producer and/or instruc-
      advance with the veterinar- tions were not followed. In
      ian for common problems on  addition, if a drug is used
      your farm, including a writ- in any manner differently
      ten plan of when to treat  from what is written on the
      an animal (also known as  label (known as Extra label
      a  “case definition”), what  drug use or ELDU), the
      drug to use (dose, route of  meat withdrawal time usu-
      administration, how often  ally must be extended. For
      to give it), what treatment  example, if a higher than
      records should be kept, and  label dose is used, it chang-
      how  withdrawal  times  will  es when the residue concen-
      be recorded and observed  trations will fall below the
      will reduce the need for  drug testing tolerance. Bear
      emergency veterinary visits  in  mind  that  any  drug  de-
      and expedite treatment. An  livered with a dart is con-
      important piece of the pro- sidered extra label use and
      tocol is to establish when an  may require an extended
      antibiotic treatment should  withdrawal period, even
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