Page 26 - MWC 9-10-20s
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BULL MANAGEMENT                    due to injury, illness, or low li-                  The Midwest Cattleman · September 10, 2020 · P26
      continued from page 25             bido. Close observation of bulls   sperm output because of re- ty  does not  cause physiologic
      multiple bulls).  Young bulls      during  the  breeding  season is  duced  testicular  development  stress. At the same time, bulls
      should be exposed to fewer cows    required in order to be assured  early in life. Research has shown  should not be over-conditioned.
      than mature bulls. For bulls less   that the bulls are getting cows  that bulls fed medium-energy  If bulls are too fat, physical ac-
      than three years of age, a com-    bred. Injuries to bulls during  diets from weaning to two years  tivity is reduced and excessive
      monly used rule of thumb is that   the breeding season are rela-      of age had greater reserves of  weight loss during the breeding
      a bull can successfully breed as   tively common.  When a bull        sperm cells and higher quality  season can occur. If bulls are in
      many cows as his age in months     does become lame or incapable      semen than bulls developed on  good body condition (BCS 5.0
      (e.g. a 15-month-old bull should   of breeding because of an inju-    high-energy diets. In addition,  to 5.5) then a forage-based diet
      be exposed to no more than 15      ry to his reproductive tract, he   young bulls grown at a rapid  with supplemental concentrate
      cows). The number of bulls re-     needs to be removed from the       rate have a higher risk of bone  will be adequate to build the
      quired to adequat ely cover the    breeding pasture and replaced      and joint problems in their legs.  desired energy reserves. If the
      breeding females is related to     by another bull.                   This syndrome in bulls has also  bulls are thin, then they may
      many  factors.  Environmental         Bulls need appropriate hous-    been described as leg weakness,  need substantially more con-
      factors include terrain, carrying   ing to provide protection during   degenerative joint disease, os- centrate feed.
      capacity of the pasture, and pas-  severely cold or hot weather –  teoarthritis, osteoarthrosis, and       Because bulls are so import-
      ture  size.  Bull  factors  include   both of which can lead to tem-  polyarthritis.                    ant for the genetic progress and
      age, condition, fertility, and so-  porary fertility problems. In       The  two to  three months  reproductive efficiency of cattle
      cial status. Social dominance of   addition, bulls should be main-    leading up to the breeding sea- herds; and because bulls ac-
      bulls is important to consider in   tained  in good  body  condition   son is an important period of  count for a significant expense,
      multiple-sire breeding pastures.   throughout the year, becoming      time to ensure that bulls are  excellent bull selection and care
      Several studies have shown         neither excessively thin nor fat.   in good shape to be  “breeding  are critically important for opti-
      that the most dominant one or      When developing bulls from         athletes”. Exercise is important  mum herd management. Bulls
      two bulls in multi-sire pastures   weaning until they are turned      during the pre-breeding sea- should be selected based on
      end up breeding a majority of      out for their first breeding sea-  son period because during the  their ability to get a lot of cows
      the cows.                          son, their diet should allow       breeding season the bull may  pregnant early in the breeding
         Although a high ratio of cows   them to express full growth po-    travel several miles per day  season that will result in the
      to bulls helps to reduce bull      tential without becoming over-     and  maintain  long  periods  of  birth of calves that will be high
      costs, it also exposes the herd to   ly heavy. Restricting energy,    physical activity. If given ample  value when they are sold. Once
      poor reproductive performance      protein, vitamins, or minerals     area, bulls will usually exercise  bulls are selected for the herd,
      risk if the bulls fail to maintain   at any time between birth and    themselves. In designing bull  they need to be fed to maintain
      good  semen  quality  and  quan-   maturity  can  delay  the onset    facilities, it is a good idea to lo- good body condition and housed
      tity, or if bulls have reduced     of puberty of young bulls and  cate feeding and water areas as  to protect them from injury risk.
      desire or ability to mate cows     possibly reduce lifetime daily  far apart as possible to encour- In  addition, bull  fertility and
                                                                            age exercise. Bulls should have  mating ability should be evalu-
                                                                            adequate body condition at the  ated prior to each breeding sea-                                   T h    e  d i M  w  e l t t a C   t s e  m  e S   n a  e t p  m b  3   r e  2   , 0  0 1  1   0      6
                                                                            start of the breeding season so  son and monitored throughout
                                                                            BSE Clinic Time
                                                                            that weight loss during this  breeding.
                                                                            period of high physical activi-   KSU
                                                                            By Eldon Cole, University of Missouri Extension
                                                                             Has your bull had a breeding       We’ve  scheduled  four  clinics  of  cows  keep  coming  back  in  progeny differences (EPDs) and
                                                                            soundness  exam  (BSE)  since  where  you  can  get  your  bulls  heat.  There  are  no  other  out-    breeding programs or whatever
                                                                            you pulled him from the breed-    completely  examined,  given  ward signs of trich in the bull  is on your mind. Ed Trotter with
                                                                            ing pasture this summer? Fer-     parasite control treatment and  or cow for that matter.               Pfizer will be at some of the clin-
                                                                            tility and breeding ability can  vaccinated and be ready to turn                                        ics  with  information  on  their
                                                                            fluctuate in bulls from year-to-   out  if  everything  checks  out    Here are the dates and loca-      DNA evaluation program.
                                                                            year  and  season-to-season.  If  okay. In addition, if you’d like,  tions of our fall clinics.          Call the above veterinary of-
                                                                            you’ve preg checked your cows  they can check your bull for the                                         fices for your appointment time.
                                                                            and found several open, it just  sexually  transmitted  disease,      October 11 - Barry County Vet  Of course, there’s a limit to the
                                                                            might  be  cause  to  check  him  trichomoniasis. Trich is on the  Services, Cassville                  number of bulls the clinics can
                                                                            out.                              rise in this part of the world. It’s   Contact: Dr. Voyd Brown, 847-  accept so you may need to pick a
                                                                                                              suspected when a large number  2677                                   different time and/or a different
                                                                                                                                                                                    veterinarian. It’s just important
                                                                                                                                                  October 12 - Kent Veterinary  to have your bulls checked out.
                                                                             Buffalo Livestock Market                                            Clinic, Billings                    A survey of cow-calf farms in
                                                                                                                                                  Contact Dr. Harvey Kent, 744-     24 states in 2008 showed that
                                                                                                                                                 2222                               about 25% do a semen evalua-
                                                                               Special   Cattle Sale                     Special      Sheep
                                                                                                                                                                                    tion on their bulls before turn-
                                                                             Vaccinated    Every                        Stock Cow      &          October 13 - Dake Veterinary  out. I doubt if we’re that high
                                                                                                         Watch our
                                                                                Cattle    Saturday     sale live on the   & Bull Sale  Goat Sale  Clinic, Miller                    in  southwest  Missouri.  The
                                                                                                         Internet at
                                                                                Sale     12:00 Noon                          Contact: Dr. Chuck Dake, 452-     October BSE clinics in the past
                                                                              2nd Sat. of   Selling all classes         3rd Tuesday  4th Tuesday  3301                              few years have found more prob-
                                                                              Each Month   of cattle                                                                                lems with bulls than the clinics
                                                                                                                                                  October 14 - Countryside Ani-     in  March.  Hot  weather  could
                                                                              Lyle Caselman - Owner-Manager: 417-345-7876 • Mobile: 417-533-2944  mal Clinic, Aurora                be more of a problem than cold
                                                                                 Leon Caselman - Owner: 417-345-4514 • Mobile: 417-588-6185       Contact: Dr. Mike Bloss, 678-     when it comes to bull fertility. It
                                                                                     Howard Miller - Owner -Manager: 417-345-8612
                                                                                                                                                 4011                               could even be from fescue toxins
                                                                                           Call Lyle or r  Leon to find out what we can do for you:                                 consumed or a combination of
                                                                                  Bud Hansen 417-462-7828 • John Sanwald 417-588-9113 • Bobby Cole 573-674-3131   Besides the BSE, I will be at  factors.
                                                                                                                                                 the clinics to answer questions,
                                                                                             Barn 417-345-8122                                   discuss  bull  sales,  expected

                                                                                                                       Green Springs

                                                                                                        Performance & Efficiency Tested

                                                                                                  BULL SALE                                                                90 BULLS

                                                                                                                                                                              200 on test
                                                                                                      Sunday, Nov. 21st, 1:00 P.m.                                        Selected from over
                                                                                                         at Mo-Kan Livestock, Butler, MO                                    8 Breeds

                                                                                                                                                                          Large Genetic Pool
                                                                                                   “Only the best
                                                                                                   pass the test”
                                                                                                                         • ANGUS • GELBVIEH  •  LIMOUSIN •
                                                                                                                              • LIMFLEX • SIMMENTAL •
                                                                                                                              • BRAUNVIEH • HEREFORD •

                                                                                                                                   Call 448-7416 for information

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