Page 25 - MWC 9-10-20s
P. 25

RYE                                winter and spring grazing in                        The Midwest Cattleman · September 10, 2020 · P25
      continued from page 9              Texas and Oklahoma. Warm- stems develop and grazing                  grain.  You may have other
      you don’t mind starting to  er winter temperatures allow  removal. It’s the clear choice                factors affecting your choice,
      graze two weeks later com- growth to continue, although  if you want dual use as early                  but in general, these guide-
      pared to rye. But triticale  slowly.  In  Nebraska  where  pasture and then for grain.                  lines work well.
      tends to be more susceptible  winter  wheat  goes dormant,               There it is. Cereal rye for
      to winter injury.                  its carrying capacity is not as  early grazing, triticale for        UNL Extension
         Winter wheat has been  high as cereal rye or tritica- hay,  silage,  or  later  grazing,
      the small grain of choice for  le. But it is top quality before  and  wheat for  grazing  plus

                                         be able to get a high percentage  to bull problems.  The overall  and observe their underlines
      BULL MANAGEMENT                    of exposed cows pregnant in a  effect of BSEs is to eliminate  for indication of penis or pre-
      continued from page 11             short period of time are turned  many subfertile bulls and to im- puce problems in order to iden-
                                         out into the breeding pasture.  prove the genetic base for fertil- tify lameness or injury that will
      vey, the two most common rea-      The need for a thorough breed- ity within the herd and breed.  prevent successful mating.
      sons that bulls are culled from    ing soundness examination  Although individual situations               By using a thorough BSE
      commercial herds is because        (BSE) is based on the fact that  vary, national reports indicate  to exclude questionable breed-
      of infertility and physical un-    many     prospective    breeding that 10 to 20% of bulls will fail  ers before the breeding season
      soundness or injury. In order      bulls are infertile, subfertile, or  a thorough BSE (and another  starts and frequent observation
      to address these risks, bulls      unable to mount and breed suc- 10% that pass a BSE will per- during the breeding season to
      should be thoroughly evaluated     cessfully, and examination prior  form poorly in the breeding pas- ensure successful mating abili-
      before each breeding season so     to the breeding season reduces  ture).                                ty, a relatively high cow to bull
      that only bulls that are likely to   the risk of breeding failure due   Because some bulls that  ratio can be used with the result
                                                                            have good quality semen and  that the number of offspring
                                                                            pass a physical examination  from superior sires is increased
                                         • Featuring ‘        Program’      still fail to successfully breed  and the total bull-cost per calf
                                            Cattle  Weekly                  cows, it is necessary that bulls  weaned is decreased. The limit-
                                                                            be  observed  closely  during  the  ed research that is available in-
                                         • DVAuction Service for convenient   breeding season. Because bulls  dicates that mature bulls with
                                            online  viewing & bidding       that are not successfully mat- high reproductive capacity can

                 Vienna, Mo 65582                                           ing have a tremendous negative  be exposed to as many as 50 to
                                   Selling All Classes of Cattle Wednesday @ 10:00 a.m.
            For more information: Ross Patton  573-308-6657 • Bill Patton   573-308-6658    impact on herd reproductive  60 cycling cows in single-bull
                                                                            efficiency, every day (or nearly  pastures (but fewer cows per
                   • David Patton – 573-308-6655 •
             Visit our website at • or E-mail us at:  every day), producers should get  bull in breeding pastures with
                                                                            bulls up and watch them walk                    continued on page 26

                 How Journagan Bulls Help
                  You Achieve Your Goals...

         • Selection

               – Journagan Ranch is the Largest Producer of Hereford
                Cattle in Missouri
               – Journagan bulls are selected on fescue and raised on fescue.
               – Journagan bulls are selected for balanced traits including
                phenotype, genotype and EPD’s.
               – Every Journagan Hereford bull has been calved un-assisted.
               – All bulls will be ultra sounded and semen checked.
         • Heterosis
               – Add 20-40 lbs. at weaning.             Sale Oct. 3                          Call Now for
               – Complement your cowherd with a      Darr Ag Center                            Dormant
                Hereford bull from Journagan        Spring eld, MO                             Plantings
         • Performance
               – Steer feedlot
                performance and
                carcass data is available.

         • Solid Reputation and Guarantee
               – Journagan Ranch has been
                     in business for 38 years.
                                       JOURNAGAN RANCH

                                                     Rt. 1, Box 85G
                     Missouri State  Mountain Grove, MO 65711
                                               Marty Lueck, Manager
                                                       (417) 948-2669
                                                (417) 838-1482 (Cell)
             For the Profit Minded Cattleman!
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