Page 26 - MWC 3-30-2023s
P. 26

The Midwest Cattleman · March 30, 2023 · P26
      Very Strong First Quarter

      By Stephen R. Koontz, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Colorado State University
         Cattle markets are ap- early. There may be more up  this will persist with
      proaching the end of the  moves for the second quarter  the slowing economy
      first quarter of 2023 on a  but that would likely require  and the central bank’s
      very strong note.  Animal  changes in the fundamentals  aggressive moves to
      prices across the board have  not see now. Recent beef ex- control  inflation.  The
      been very robust. Fed cat- port news has been disap- number of factors in
      tle have traded above $165,  pointing whereas pork and  the for-and-against list
      7-8 cwt feeder cattle have  chicken exports have been  regarding optimism in
      traded above $190, and 5-6  strong.  The relative protein  cattle prices has more
      cwt calves have traded just  prices do much to explain  on the against side.
      short of $235/cwt.  Live cat- this result. While retail mar-            The one  big change
      tle futures approached with- gins have remained wide,  possible in the for-cat-                         17.  Tighter supplies and
      in  $11/cwt of all-time high  in contrast, packer mar- egory is the return to more                      thinner margins. Which will
      prices established in Novem- gins narrowed considerably  normal forage and feedgrain                    be made more pronounced
      ber 2014.  However, feeder  through the fourth quarter  prices.  If that is the case,                   by any  herd rebuilding.  But
      cattle are well below their  of 2022.  These margins are  then feeder cattle and calves                 there appears to be little of
      records due to the strength  large  compared  to  what  is  are              rather    under-valued.    this in 2023 as beef cow liqui-
      in the forage and feedgrain  typically observed in the                But  that  will  take  a  retreat   dation continues at a strong
      markets.  Cow-quality hay  first quarter of the year. But  from costs of gain that are                  pace.  Again, there is more
      is routinely above $200/Ton  defining what is typical, or  between $1.30 and $1.50                      and more evidence of nor-
      and corn has only recent- what is the new norm, is  per pound. This is the major                        mal operations through the
      ly shown enough weakness  difficult  given  the  events  of  change and current funda-                  supply chain. In particular,
      to press below $6/Bu on the  the past five years. What is  mentals that would result in                 the volume of Saturday fed
      board.  Cash basis  in the  inarguable is the strength  further strength in the calf                    cattle slaughter is off consid-
      southern plains continues to  of domestic demand. Con- market.                                          erably compared to last year
      hold at $1 over.                   sumers were willing to pay           All in all, the first quar-     whereas the Monday to Fri-
         It is rather possible that  very high retail prices for  ter of 2023 looks to be more                day slaughter has increased.
      this strength is the usual  large offerings of beef quan- of a return to market condi-
      spring seasonal rally come  tities. It seems unlikely that  tions observed prior to 2016-

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