Page 19 - MWC 03-11-2021
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within days and the mission was  muddy,” Locke said. “They won't                           The Midwest Cattleman · March 11, 2021 · P19
      underway.                          eat it once it gets covered in mud.
         “I had a field in process of tran- But I got 65 days in that field  cost per cow per day
      sition,” he said.  “where I would  with 50 cows starting off and  on milo through the
      have planted another warm sea- ending  up  with  47  calves  on  it  winter  can  average
      son grass or endophyte-free fes- with them at the end. An 8-acre  less than $.60 com-
      cue that fall, but I tried the milo  milo field for 65 days and didn't  pared to $1.50 per
      and  did everything  they  said to  get it all grazed.”               cow per day for hay.
      make it happen. I ordered chem-       According to calculations by      “My      research
      icals, seed, and fertilizer exactly  Lee, one acre of milo carrying  says we get about
      as they said, and I planted milo  120 bushels can affect 10 pounds  150 cow days total
      on the 18th of June 2020.”         of grain per cow per day to equal  on  fescue,”  Locke
         Locke admitted his first year  over 500 cow days per acre. Ad- said,  “and that in-
      with the process has been on a  justing for no mechanical harvest  cludes spring and
      learning curve.                    and  allowing  for  utilization  and
      One Shot                           rent costs, Lee contends that the   continued on page 20
         Milo  grown  as grain  is  a one
      and done crop, with no regrowth.     1 166tthh  AAnnnnuuaall
      “One bite and it's done,” he said.
      But, it is flexible in that the               S SyyddGGeenn  SSpprriinngg  IInnfflluueennccee  SSaallee
      sower can elect when they want
      to graze it based on an individual
      herd’s needs, whether July,  Au-                              T Tuueessddaayy,,  AApprriill  1133,,  22002211——66
      gust, September, January or Feb-                    N Neeww  CCaammbbrriiaa  LLiivveessttoocckk,,  NNeeww  CCaammbbrriiaa,,  MMOO
      ruary. It tests only around 7% for
      protein so it's not a great source.   S Seelllliinngg::  5522  RReeggiisstteerreedd  AAnngguuss  BBuullllss,,  iinncclluuddiinngg  1133  ffaallll  yyeeaarrlliinnggss  aanndd  oollddeerr
      However, the  TDN is upwards                    2 255  22--YYeeaarr--OOlldd  CCoommmmeerrcciiaall  SSpprriinngg  PPaaiirrss
      of 75% to 80%.  The advantage,                       99  RReeggiisstteerreedd  BBrreedd  HHeeiiffeerrss  ((66  sspprriinngg  &&  33  ffaallll))
      said Locke, is its energy. He used
      stockpiled fescue pasture right       Our goals from the beginning were to offer more Sydenstricker Gene�cs influenced bulls to commercial ca�lemen, with
      next to the milo field to supple-     a good, solid “country bull sale,” and the results have been very sa�sfying. This sixteenth anniversary sale will showcase
      ment the protein intake.                   our best quality offering yet, with several bulls ranking high in the Angus breed for many performance traits.
         Locke  planned  his  crop  for  a                                                                           Bakers Northside 6007
      fall breeding cow herd. To make        10 Sons Sell                           6 Sons Sell                      1868821
      it ready took added effort.                                                                                    Top 1% for $F, $B and $C, and his
         “I couldn't find anyone with a                                                                              progeny in our 2020 sale were the
      planter, so I had to borrow a no-                                                                              top-selling sire groups for both
      till drill from the local NRCS of-                                                                             females and bulls, including the top-
      fice,” he said. “That took me half                                                                             selling bull at $52,000.
      a day to get that set up. I had to
      block off holes because they were     SydGen Enhance     18170041
      set on six-inch rows. The recom-      The Number 1 high-accuracy $C sire on the Main
      mendation for planting milo for       Sire Summary.  Also selling 3 paternal brothers   Also featuring the progeny and influence of :
      maximum bushels of grain is to        by the popular SYDGEN EXCEED 3223      BCA Jack Black 4112          SydGen FATE 2800
      plant 30-inch rows. It was quite                                             BCA Jeremiah 5103            SydGen Liberty GA 8627
      an ordeal trying to figure out         First 2 Sons Sell                     BCA Patriarch 4113           SydGen Resolve 7132
      how to do that and keep the seeds                                            Connealy Cool 39L            SydGen Rock Star 3461
      flowing. I ended up with 24-inch                                             H P C A Early Bird 65        SydGen Spirit 7219
      rows.”                                                                       MOGCK Sniper 16              SydGen Wake Up Call 5519
         Next, Locke laid down fertiliz-                                           Swanson Black Pearl 46-280   SydGen Wake Up Call 9446
      er and sprayed chemical to pre-                                              SydGen Appeal 7212           BUBS Southern Charm AA31
      vent anything from coming up                                                 SydGen BAR Landslide 5246    Connealy Emerald
      but milo. About one month later,      SydGen KCF Gavel 8361     19195196     SydGen Big Branch 6653       Deer Valley Growth Fund
      the milo was one inch tall. The       The $280,000 highest-valua�on sire ever sold at   SydGen Exceed 3223
      cattle producer had prevailed         SydGen, and top 1% for WW, YW, RADG, CW, $F,
      with his first farming attempt.       $W, $B and $C.                      Contribu�ng Breeders:
      Timing is Everything                                                       3V Farms, Perryville, MO ▪ Blair Carney Angus, Adair, IA ▪ Boot Hill Farms
                                                                                  LLC, Hamilton, MO ▪ Buschmeyer Angus, Owensville, MO ▪ Eggers Stock
         “The seed heads were ready          7 Sons Sell                        Farm, Jackson, MO ▪ Graupman Angus, Palmyra, MO ▪ Mershon Ca�le LLC,
      to go and ready to graze around                                            Buckner, MO ▪ O/B Angus, Fults, IL ▪ Wallis Angus Farms, Millersville, MO
      September 15th,” Locke said.
      “But I wasn't ready to go on it.                                                   Call Farm Office for Catalog (573) 581-1225
      I had planned not to graze until                                                    Sale Broadcast on line on DVAuc�
      November, placing them on it
      about 30 days before I brought                                              Bulls and females will be at the sale site by noon on Tuesday, April 13.
      them in to breed.”                    SydGen Advance GA 7301     18806299     Because of varied loca�ons, only some of the bulls will have videos
         Locke adhered to his tactics,                                                          available. Check
      pulling the females out on Dec.       The popular second top-selling bull in the 2018                            Semen Always Available
                                            Influence Sale is a 3/4 brother to ENHANCE.
      18, and putting them back on the
      field in January, to accommodate
      a scheduled 10-day A.I. protocol.     Registered Angus Ca�le Since 1952                                                     Visitors Welcome
      In February, they were pulled off     Eddie Sydenstricker
      entirely.                             Sydenstricker Nobbe Partners John Deere                                    Farm Office (573) 581-1225
         “Even though there was more        (573) 581-5900                         PO Box 280     Mexico, MO  65265    Ben Eggers  (573) 473-9202
      milo for them, it just got too         Bub Raithel (573) 253-1664
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