Page 26 - MWC 08-5-2021s
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AGJA The Midwest Cattleman · August 5, 2021 · P26
continued from page 24
Brian and Gina Welsh, was •Preston Dunn, St. John, South Dakota, son of Troy •Grace Vehige, Billings,
re-elected to the board for Kansas, son of Brian and and Pam Forbes, will serve Missouri, daughter of Tom
her second term. Carolyn Dunn, will serve as as ex-officio. and Stacy Vehige.
The board spends time fol- the vice president of leader- Retiring board members of The American Gelbvieh
lowing the directors’ election ship. the 2020-2021 AGJA board of Junior Association is the ju-
to elect an executive com- •Karley Rumfelt, Phil- directors included: nior division of the American
mittee to serve in leadership lipsburg, Missouri, daughter •Brooke Nowack, Bland, Gelbvieh Association. The
positions for the 2021-2022 of Brad and Amy Rumfelt, Missouri, daughter of Jared AGJA provides members up
year: was elected secretary. and Caisie Nowack; to 21 years of age the oppor-
•Alexx Starr, Stapleton, •Rachelle Anderson, •Danielle Stock, Waukon, tunity to participate in youth
Nebraska, daughter of Scott Jamestown, Kansas, daugh- Iowa, daughter of Mark and activities.
and Raberta Starr, was elect- ter of Robert and Charlotte Stacy Stock;
ed president. Anderson, was elected trea- •Cade Cameron, Danville,
•Madalynn Welsh was surer. Iowa, son of Greg and Dawn
elected to serve as vice pres- •Cody Forbes, De Smet, Cameron; and
FLY CONTROL legs. The most-common sites
continued from page 19 for development of stable
help reduce the incidence of flies are feedlots or dairies,
resistance. as larvae develop in decaying
•Use high-quality tags. organic matter, such as wet
Inexpensive tags are gener- hay. However, they can also
ally not as effective. be found on pastures, par-
It is recommended to ro- ticularly around winter hay
tate to tags with a different feeding sites. Cattle often
active ingredient to impede react to stable flies by bunch-
resistance development. Do ing, stomping their legs or
not apply insecticides from standing in water. This can
the same Mode of Action disrupt grazing patterns, and
(MOA) groups repeatedly. In- Nebraska studies indicate
stead, rotate between MOA reductions in weight gains
groups each year or even from 0.2–0.4 pounds per day
during the fly season. Mode for grazing steers.
of action groups include or- MANAGEMENT
ganophosphates (Group 1B), It can be difficult to get
pyrethroids and pyrethrins ter around animals’ eyes, ritation to eye tissues, which adequate control with in-
(Group 3), avermectins and mouth, and muzzle to feed can predispose animals to secticides, since stable flies
milbemycins (Group 6), ju- on secretions. Females lay disease transmission. Pink- mainly congregate around
venile hormone analogues eggs in fresh manure, with eye is one such disease, and animals’ legs. Sprays are
(Group 7A) and benzoylureas the complete life cycle tak- management of face fly pop- usually the best option for
– chitin inhibitors (Group ing around 21 days. They ulations is essential in pre- stable fly control and require
15). are usually most numerous venting outbreaks. If pinkeye weekly applications to man-
Face Flies in late July and August in is a recurring problem, it is age populations. Mist blow-
pastures that have a lot of a good idea for producers to
Face flies resemble house shaded areas and water- visit with their veterinarian er sprayers can be used for
flies, but they are slightly ways, areas with abundant about vaccine options. this purpose; however, initial
larger and darker. They are rainfall and irrigated pas- costs may be high. One of the
non-biting flies that clus- tures. Face flies can cause ir- MANAGEMENT best ways to eliminate stable
Managing face flies can flies is to remove sources of
be difficult because of their organic matter that create
feeding locations on animals breeding grounds. Cleaning
JUG Livestock Waterers and the fact that they do not areas where cattle were fed
WesLynn Enterprises spend the majority of their during the winter and drying
time on animals. Effective down manure by spreading
control may require more it or dragging fields will help
than one method of treat- reduce fly populations.
ment, including the use of A successful fly control
insecticidal ear tags, dust program requires proper
bags and sprays. In contrast identification of the pest(s),
to horn flies, both cows and determining the best control
calves must be treated in method, and following label
order to reduce face fly pop- directions on the product to
Performance Tested for over 25 years ulations. get optimum control and de-
Clean Fresh Water Every Time crease the chance of resis-
Open Bowl Design Stable Flies
Draw Tube for Natural Drinking Action Stable flies are the size of a tance.
Feed Trap Keeps Feed out of Water Reservoir house fly, but darker in color.
No Flap, Disks or Balls for animal to move These are blood-feeding flies Ph: 515-771-6036 that mainly feed on the front