Page 25 - MWC 04-22-2021s
P. 25

LOOKING AHEAD                      increase above the com-                                   The Midwest Cattleman · April 22, 2021 · P25
      continued from page 17             modity market average.
                                            The futures-implied
      aggressive in an up-trending  650 lb. steer price given
      market, but let’s take a look  the above assumptions
      at a breakeven projection as  suggests a $156.38/cwt.
      an exercise of awareness.          breakeven        purchase
         Using one of the more fa- price for the October
      vorable examples, we’ll look  delivery. Updating the
      at 650 lb. steers delivered in  math with the accom-
      October with an expected fin- panying grid premiums
      ish date in April 2022. Fur- and discounts implies a
      ther feedyard performance  $164.33/cwt. purchase
      assumptions include 3.6 lb.  price after premiums.
      average daily gain at 6-to-1          Capturing  the  pre-
      dry matter feed conversion.        mium at weaning, after
         If  taken  to  a  shrunk  fin- backgrounding  or  sell-
      ished weight of 1,380 lb. with  ing the finished steers
      an average of 1.5% death  requires  planning  and
      loss,  then  the  total  cost  of  dedication to market-
      gain lands near $1.08/lb. The  ing. Results are widely vari-          casses in 2011 to just over  ing the Choice total down to
      finishing date is at the end of  able.                                12% so far in 2021. In con- 72%, with the resulting effect
      April, so it’s fair to acknowl-                                       trast, the  Certified  Angus  on Select touching record low
      edge that likely one-third of      SELECT CARCASSES                   Beef® brand has increased  territory.  The larger propor-
      the pen will fall in the May       SCARCE, QUALITY UP                 from 11.7% to 21.4% of all fed  tion of quality  carcasses is
      market. If sold in the weekly      AGAIN                              cattle carcasses in as much  being met with seasonally
      cash market, the math sug-            The continuing evolution  time.                                   higher quality price spreads,
      gests a breakeven purchase         in carcass marbling content          The seasonal grading pat- undaunted by the richest
      price of $156.38/cwt.              is highlighted this spring as  tern  predicts  quality  grades  marbling mix the industry
         Grid marketers have a bit       the Select quality grade fell  less rich in the near May/ has ever achieved.
      more figuring to do. A good,       to the lowest proportion of the  June timeframe. But current
      but not exceptional, set of        carcass mix in modern histo- data shows Prime carcass-
      Angus steers might achieve         ry. In the last eight weeks,  es looking for elbow room as
      the carcass results seen in        Select carcasses accounted  the Prime grade average hit
      the table below. Given 203         for just 11.8% of total fed cat- 12.5% two weeks ago, push-
      days on feed and an aver-          tle. In the past year fed cattle
      age backfat thickness of 0.65      outcomes have been largely
      inches, the proposed yield         impacted by extra days on
      grade outcomes and estimate        feed, since many cattle could
      of 8% of carcasses over 1,050      not be harvested due to the
      lb. (heavies) are logical.         backlog. However, the shrink-
                                                              cattle feeders concrete tanker fence
         Using this week’s USDA          ing Select category has been               cattle feeders concrete tanker fence
      grid premiums and discounts        an entrenched evolution for
                                                              line tank stock freeze-proof pond tank
      report, the net adjustment to      more  than  a  decade,  as  the            line tank stock freeze-proof pond tank
                                                                                      THIS AIN'T
      the carcass price is +$5.91/       cow-calf sector made breed                 united stated midwest www.thecon-
      cwt. Converted to a live price     and trait selections favor-                    NO BULL!
                                                              united stated midwest www.thecon-
      the premium is $3.74/cwt. or       ing carcass quality. Feedlot     
      $51.70/head.                       placement and finish weights        ›› Concrete Cattle Feeders
         Feedyard operators are          as well as management are
      privy  to more details fitting     also favoring carcass quality,      ›› Super-Tanker Fence Line
      their own circumstances but        on average.                             Freeze-Proof Stock Tank
      cow-calf operators may find           The 10-year trend in  the
      the grid calculations helpful.     chart is only a brief segment       ›› Freeze-Proof Pond Tank
      That $51.70/head premium           of a more dramatic historical
      backed up to the weaned 650        decline, with Select dropping       ›› Delivery in the Cont. U.S.
      lb. steer price is a $7.95/cwt.    from 29% of fed cattle car-
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