Page 21 - MWC 04-22-2021s
P. 21

FORAGE                                                                                       The Midwest Cattleman · April 22, 2021 · P21
      continued from page 9

      age specialists to determine  to severe levels. Conditions  son grasses emerge from dor- es by either grazing them out
      the value of what you’re buy- were not expected to improve  mancy.                                      or baling them, to let those
      ing.”                              through June.                        Most cool-season grasses  warm-season forages grow
      Drought concerns                      “Even  some parts of East  around  the state  like rye- and capitalize on remaining
         The  threat of  drought  is     Texas are drying down, so  grass performed well in much  moisture in the ground,” she
      another challenge that could       producers need to utilize the  of the state despite  Winter  said. “You want to maximize
      translate into lower produc-       moisture to the greatest ben- Storm Uri, she said. Some  the resources you have, but it
      tion, which compounds high-        efit whether it’s for forage  oat fields that were not win- may mean adjusting stocking
      er input costs, Corriher-Ol-       production or grazing,” she  ter-hardy varieties suffered  rates to prevent overgrazing
      son said.                          said. “We can hope for rain,  more than other cool-season  and leaving stubble height
         A recent National Oceanic       but producers need to be pre- grasses, but the long freeze  for regrowth so you don’t
      and Atmospheric Adminis-           paring for drier-than-normal  set production back more  have to feed hay earlier than
      tration  drought outlook for       conditions and considering  than  it  physically  damaged  you plan.”
      Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas         the options that work best  the crop.                                Drovers
      reported worsening condi-          for their operations.”               But any setbacks can mag-
      tions for Texas. Western and          Corriher-Olson said it’s  nify overall margin losses in
      southern parts of the state        important for producers to  a year where input costs are
      were in extreme to exception-      make good herd and forage  higher and production poten-
      al drought, while drought          management decisions to  tial is lower, she said.
      conditions throughout Cen-         maximize cool-season forag-          “It will be important to re-
      tral Texas reached moderate        es while helping warm-sea- move those cool-season forag-

      ECONOMIC                           the cows’ diet was adequate           • Consider the impact of  age costs in line to minimize
      continued from page 11             (Table 1). These results sug- early weaning on calf perfor- cost per pound of gain.
                                         gest that weaning calves  mance. Late season grazing                    •  Take advantage of sea-
      by 36%, or 18.9 pounds per         from mature cows early will  is often low quality, which  sonal  marketing  patterns.
      head per day. That equates to      improve reproduction only if  could negatively affect milk  Weaning calves early allows
      an additional 1.1 AUM in ad-       post-calving nutrition or en- production and calf gains.  for marketing cull cows earli-
      ditional grazing available to      vironment stress negatively  Early  weaning  may  be  a  er than normal and avoiding
      the ranch. Depending on the        affect cow weight and body  more cost effective method to  seasonal market lows.
      local grazing market, that         condition before the breeding  boost calf performance com-
      additional supply of grass         season.                            pared to other tools such as
      could be worth $30 to $50.            Improving body condition  creep feeding.
      Ranchers can capture that          could have greater value              • Keep total feed and yard-
      value by adding livestock          in    young
      numbers, cutting harvested         cows      by
      feed costs by extending the        reducing
      grazing season, or by provid-      the risk of
      ing an additional level of in-     these cows
      surance in case of drought.        failing    to
      Cow Performance Impact             re-breed,
         Weaning calves earlier is a     if they are
      very effective tool to increase    thin. Young
      body condition score in cows.      cows are at
      Cows typically gain body           the great-
      weight and increase body           est risk of
      condition scores when not          culling due
      nursing calves. The economic       to reproductive failure mak-
      value of increasing cow body       ing  this strategy  worth con-
      condition depends on im-           sidering if pregnancy rates in       Located in one of the top cattle feeding counties in the state of Kansas
      provements in reproduction         young cows have been histor-
      or reductions in winter feed       ically low.                                                                     Where personal attentione personal attention

                                                                                                                              to every detail to every detail
      costs.                                                                                                                 guarantees thatantees that
         The effect of  early wean-      Economic Considerations                                                          Y
                                                                                                                          YOU & YOUR CATTLE OU & YOUR CATTLE
      ing on reproductive success           Some methods to increase                                                       COME FIRST at TMCME FIRST at TMC
      depends largely on cattle          the chances of making money
      management between wean-           by weaning early include:                                                           3500 Head
                                                                                                                             3500 Head
      ing and the following breed-          • Make sure that any feed
      ing season. Research results       savings  are captured in the                                                         Capacity
      from the SDSU Cottonwood           production system. Profit-
                                                                                                                            TMC Feeders LLC
      Research Station showed            ability of early weaning is                     lSteam Flake Ration                TMC Feeders LLC
                                                                                                                             5010 Big Valley Drive
      that early weaning improved        much less likely if the feed                   lConsulting Nutritionist             Scott City, KS. 67871
      AI conception in mature cows       savings aren’t taken advan-            lOwner Management  lOne-Load Pens
                                                                                                                             Jim Miller
      that were fed an energy-re-        tage of by either lowering            lExcellent Pen & Equipment Maintenance        Jim Miller, Manager  , Manager
      stricted diet after calving the    feed costs or supporting more                    lRisk Management                     Bob Thompson
                                                                                                                               Bob Thompson
      next year, but had no effect if    cattle numbers.                                                                       816-582-8363
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