Page 17 - MWC 4-23-20s
P. 17

GRASS TETANY:                                                                              The Midwest Cattleman · April 23, 2020 · P17

        Now Is the Time to Prepare

                 By Adele Harty, SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist
         The warmer spring tem-           •Various  combinations  of
      peratures have been a wel-              the above factors result-
      come reprieve from the cold             ing in low blood Mg or Ca
      experienced  across  the  re-         Older, lactating cows with
      gion in 2019.  With warmer  calves younger than 2 months
      temperatures and significant  of age have the greatest sus-
      soil  moisture,  ranchers  need  ceptibility to  tetany. Mature
      to be proactive in mitigating  cows are more susceptible
      grass tetany risk. Cool sea- because they are less able to
      son grasses are beginning to  mobilize Mg from bones to
      green up, posing a risk for  maintain the necessary Mg
      cows with young calves.  As  level in their system.  Also,            ty  and adequate intake can  contained (i.e., water tanks),
      the temperatures continue to  cows within two months after            be challenging, resulting in  soluble Mg salts can be added.
      increase, cool season grasses,  calving have increased milk           some animals consuming an  Some examples of soluble Mg
      such  as  crested  wheatgrass  production which requires              inadequate amount of min- salts are magnesium acetate,
      will grow rapidly, increasing  additional Ca and Mg. Steers,          eral on a daily basis. Ensure  magnesium chloride, and mag-
      the risk of grass tetany. Hav- heifers, dry cows, cows with           all  animals  have  access  to  nesium sulfate (Epsom salts).
      ing a solid understanding of  calves older than 4 months of           the supplement prior to and  The most common form of Mg
      the risk factors and how to  age and bulls are less suscep-           while grazing tetany-prone  found in supplements, magne-
      mitigate risk will be key.         tible.                             pastures to help decrease the  sium oxide, is not soluble in
         Grass tetany is a metabolic        Prevention is key to mini-      occurrence.                       water and therefore cannot be
      disorder associated with graz- mizing risks associated with             Another option is to provide  used for this purpose.
      ing lush pastures, resulting  lactating cows grazing lush             hay while cattle are grazing         A long-term approach is
      in low concentrations of blood  pastures. If possible, delay          lush pastures; however, they  to incorporate more legumes
      magnesium, which results in  turn-out until plants are 4              are not likely to eat hay un- into pasture mixes. Legumes
      nerve impulse failure in an- to 6 inches tall. This will re-          less forced to. Dry forages can  have higher levels of Mg and
      imals.  With  adequate  mois- duce the occurrence of tetany           act as carriers to provide ad- Ca than do immature grass-
      ture and warm temperatures,  in addition to giving pastures           ditional Mg and Ca at critical
      grasses will grow rapidly.  more rest and recovery. Un-               times. If the water source is                   continued on page 32
      Grass tetany isn’t normal- fortunately, reality is that
      ly seen until May but taking  many pastures are needed
      steps now to prevent it will be  when grasses begin to green-
      more effective in the long run.  up and the risk for tetany is
      It is never too early to plan  highest.
      and ensure proper manage-             If delayed turn-out is not
      ment practices are in place.       an option, other management
         Understanding the factors  tools should be utilized. First,
      that influence the progres- always provide a high mag-
      sion of grass tetany will help  nesium (Mg) supplement con-
      one manage risk.  These fac- taining 8-12% Mg at 3-4 oz.
      tors include:                      intake. For a cooked molasses
       •Low magnesium (Mg) cou- product with a recommend-
           pled with high potassi- ed intake of approximate-
           um (K) content of rapidly  ly 1 pound, the guaranteed
           growing forages               analysis for Mg should be
       •High crude protein content  approximately 4%. Read the
           of forages                    label  to  ensure  adequate
       •Bad      weather,      storms, Mg levels and recommend-
           stress, etc., that cause  ed intake. Magnesium sup-
           cattle to be “off feed” for  plements need to be offered
           24-48 hours                   two to three weeks prior to
       •Lactation due to losses of  turn-out or before tetany is
           Mg  and  calcium  (Ca)  in  likely to occur. Palatabili-
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