Page 14 - MWC 10-6-2022s
P. 14

The Midwest Cattleman · October 6, 2022 · P14
         Feed Price Implications for Fall

                                       By Dr. Kenny Burdine, Extension Professor, Livestock Marketing, University of Kentucky
         As we move into fall, we  hear  a  lot  more  discussion  of
      have a pretty good feel for  feed prices than value of gain
      the size of the 2022 corn crop.  when producers discuss cattle
      Acreage  is  down  significantly  feeding programs. In truth,
      from last year and yield projec- opportunities can still exist in
      tions were reduced by almost  high feed price markets de-
      3 bushels this month to 172.5  pending on cattle price dynam-
      per acre. After spending some  ics. So, producers need to push
      time below $6 per bushel this  the pencil on post-weaning
      summer, CME© December  feeding programs to determine
      corn futures are in the upper  if opportunities exist this fall
      $6 per bushel range. Barring  and winter. Generally speak-
      a major shock on the demand  ing, there is more feed flexibil-
      side,  feed  prices  are  going  to  ity for growing programs than
      be a challenge for cattle oper- finishing programs. Producers
      ations this winter. So, I wanted  may find that opportunities
      to  briefly talk  through some  to grow feeders still exist, es-
      implications of high feed prices  pecially if they can efficiently
      on feeder cattle marketing and  make use of alternative feeds.
      management.                           Along those same lines, pro-
         Perhaps the most import- ducers need to make sure they
      ant thing to remember is that  distinguish between cost of
      cost of gain and value of gain  feed and cost of gain. Cost per
      are correlated. Feedlots prefer  ton of feed really does not tell
      to  place heavier  feeder  cattle  me much unless I know some-
      when feed prices are high, so  thing about that feed’s (or ra-
      the  price discount on higher  tion’s) ability to put weight on
      weights gets smaller. This nar- cattle. There are lots of ways
      rowing of price slides increases  to lower feed cost per ton, but
      the value of additional pounds  I must make certain that I am
      when feeder cattle are sold. I  not losing more value of gain
                                                           than I am sav-
                                                           ing in cost per
                                                           ton. This  is
                                                           why I tend to
                                                           lean  towards      Finally, there are also impli- have certainly not increased
                                                           cost of gain     cations for fall grazing. A quick  as much as purchased feed.
                                                           when compar-     glance at the drought monitor  So, fall pasture is likely the
                                                           ing  programs    reveals how much variation  most attractive feed that can
                                                           and     prefer   exists across the county. But,  be utilized to add pounds. The
                                                           to run multi-    if you are in an area that has  current market also increases
                                                           ple  programs    had good moisture conditions  incentives to incorporate rota-
                                                           through a full   and is getting solid pasture  tional grazing or strip grazing
                                                           background-      growth, make certain to uti- to increase the utilization of
                                                           ing budget to    lize that to the extent possible.  those forages.
                                                           compare  ex-     While grazing costs have in-
                                                           pected profit.   creased recently as well, they

      WHEN TO CULL BULLS                                                    LIFE
      continued from page 13             traits to name a few.              continued from page 5             constant companionship and
                                            Culling bulls this fall that                                      support to me as I go about my
      among some producers where  have reached the end of their             around by a leash, would be se- daily activities, and far be it for
      the thought process is,  “the  genetic contribution to the op-        verely criticized. But, no, their  me to question whether or not
      bull is paid for and regardless  eration not only has a positive      official stance is that caring  the alligator does the same for
      of his issues I am going to con- impact on this year’s income         and loving people who share  its human counterpart.
      tinue to use him.” The problem  but can lead to long term prof-       their home with an animal,           I’ve learned my lesson from
      with this concept is that every  itability in the cow herd.           and said animal can provide  this story, however, and the
      year the bull is allowed to con-   University of                      support and companionship in  next time I’m approached by
      tribute his genetics to the herd   Wisconsin-Madison                  return, is totally acceptable.    one of the people lambasting
      he is passing along his nega-                                           The animal-rights group  me for my occupation, I’ll sim-
      tive traits as well. Buying a                                         that  thinks it’s perfectly  fine  ply remind them that my cat-
      new bull has the potential to                                         to lead around an alligator in a  tle are emotional support ani-
      be more profitable if the new                                         city park, is the same one which  mals for me.
      bull possesses the genetics to                                        criticizes and condemns those        One can never have too
      improve reproductive perfor-                                          of us who are involved in ani- much emotional support.
      mance, growth rate, or carcass                                        mal agriculture. My dog offers
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