Page 32 - MWC 10-27-2022s
P. 32
4 444tthh AAnnnnuuaall The Midwest Cattleman · October 27, 2022 · P32
7 700tthh S Syyddeennssttrriicckkeerr GGeenneettiiccss
A Annnniivveerrssaarryy P Prroodduuccttiioonn SSaallee
1 1995522--22002222 S Saattuurrddaayy,, NNoovveemmbbeerr 1199 ▪ 1100::0000 ▪ aatt tthhee ffaarrmm
Presenting the freshest genetics from the name you trust
103 Fall Yearling Bulls 59 Fall Calving Pairs
(Semen tested ready to work) 19 Spring Bred Cows
74 January Bull Calves 58 Spring Bred Heifers
(Wintering Program available) 86 Fall Yearling Heifers
2 Embryo/Flush Lots 45 Spring Heifer Calves
Annually one of the most attended and talked about events in
Missouri, the annual SydGen Production Sale is a source for
Lot 6 —SydGen Entense 1606 LOT 262—SydGen G Duchess 6409 many of the Angus breed’s top potential AI sires, as well as the
DOB 9/4/21 Reg. 20367795 DOB 8/29/16 Reg. 18644359 new generation of herd bulls for many of the Midwest's top
A stylish daughter of the exciting young This beautiful daughter of COOL has commercial herds.
sire, VOLUNTEER. She has 17 EPDs outstanding progeny performance—5 BW All performance information is included in the sale book or on
that rank in the top 5% of the breed, ratios at 100, 4 WW ratios at 108; 4 YW
including CED, YW, Milk, CW, Marbling, ratios at 108; 2 IMF ratios at 104 and 2 RE update sheets available on our website and on sale day.
RE, $B & $C! ratios at 105. She sells with a September
6 heifer calf at side by GAVEL. Highlights include:
¨ 135 head of sale cattle post +300 $C Values or higher. All
445 head of weaned and older animals average +282 for $C
¨ The entire set of bulls offered will average +8 CED, +1.1 BW,
+71 WW, +129 YW, +.28 RADG, +20 Docility, +13.7 HP, +10
CEM, +32 Milk, .44 CLAW, .49 ANGLE, +60 CW, +.87
Marbling, +.78 REA, +0.001 Fat, +69 $M, +71 $W, +104 $F,
+171 $B and +$291 $C as of this writing, which would be
right at the top 7% of non-parents for the $C index.
¨ The exciting first full calf crop of VOLUNTEER progeny will
be offered, with $C values up to +373.
Lot 89A—SydGen Gavel 1790 LOT 141—SydGen Volunteer 1634 ¨ G A R Home Town daughter that posted the highest IMF
DOB: 9/6/21 Reg. 20363608 DOB 9/10/21 Reg. 20363654 scan in our history, to help her own a Marbling EPD of +2.03
BW 85 lbs. WW 770 lbs. YW 1392 lbs. BW 76 lbs; WW 782 lbs; YW 1,337lbs; and $C of +352.
ADG 3.89 lbs. ADG 3.47 lbs ¨ Progeny of Bakers Northside 6007, BCA Jeremiah 5103,
A stout son of GAVEL with a balanced EPD This top prospect by VOLUNTEER, with Connealy Cool 39L, HPCA Early Bird 65, SydGen Aim,
profile—12 EPDs ranking in the top 10% or +13 CED; -.1 BW, +37 Milk and WW, YW, SydGen Big Branch 6653, SydGen Black Diamond 2769,
better, including a +328 $Combination. SC & HP in the top 25%, should make a
great set of females! SydGen Black Ice 7029, SydGen Black Pearl 2006,
SydGen Blacksmith 4010, SydGen Blueprint, SydGen
Brickyard 8013, SydGen CC&7, SydGen Enhance, SydGen
Eternity 0046, SydGen Evolution, SydGen Exceed 3223,
SydGen Expansion 5917, SydGen Faith 6023, SydGen
Fastlane 3450, SydGen FATE 2800, SydGen KCF Gavel
8361, SydGen Merit 6553, SydGen Ozark, SydGen Resolve
7132, SydGen Rock Star 3461, SydGen Spirit 7219,
SydGen Stealth 8556, SydGen Titan 8035, SydGen Wake
Up Call 9446, Car Don Annuity, Deer Valley Growth Fund,
GAR Home Town, and Jindra Megahit will be highlights of
this sale offering.
Lot 311—SydGen Monica 5268 LOT 174—SydGen Resolve 1552
DOB 2/6/15 Reg. 18148609 DOB 11/2/21 Reg. 20363641 2 255tthh AAnnnnuuaall New
This productive LUNESTA daughter gets the job BW 84 lbs; WW 779 lbs; YW 1413; ADG 3.96 S SyyddGGeenn IInnfflluueennccee CCoommmmeerrcciiaall HHeeiiffeerr SSaallee
done on fescue — 6 BW ratios—91; 5 WW A Show Me Select qualified son of RESOLVE
ratios—106; and 4 YW ratios—107! Her 2021 is one of the youngest in the sale, but hasn’t let December 1, 2022
bull calf sold for $19,000 in last year’s sale. Her that slow him up. He should add growth and 6:00 p.m.—Callaway Livestock Center, Kingdom City, MO
January 2022 GAVEL heifer calf also sells. make functional daughters! Selling 145 head of top commercial bred heifers and two-year-
Complete catalog available online; mailed with old pairs. All heifers have met a stringent set of qualifications,
and all will be sired by, or bred to SydGen Herd Sires.
November Angus Journal; or on request from the
Farm Office Contributing Breeders: Mershon Cattle, Buckner, MO; Bob
Vandiver Cattle, Richmond, MO and White Oak Farms,
Check out our website for complete weights, calving, Elsberry, MO
and other updates as they become available
Registered Angus Cattle Since 1952 Visitors Always Welcome
Eddie Sydenstricker Ben Eggers, Manager
Sydenstricker Nobbe John Deere Cell: (573) 473-9202 PO Box 280 Farm Office: (573) 581-1225 Bub Raithel (573) 253-1664
Office: (573) 581-5900 Mexico, MO 65265 Blake McDonald (573) 205-7914