Page 26 - MWC 10-21-2021s
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      HEIFER DEVELOPMENT                 to  be established  to match                           The Midwest Cattleman · October 21, 2021 · P26
      continued from page 25             cow size with feed resources.      growth of the calves and milk- selling the  “genetics” for
                                         To remove your personal bi-
                                                                            Feeder Cattle Daily
       Live Cattle
      are expected averages for  ases, it is suggested an unbi-             ing ability of the cow than  growth and milk.  The adjust-
      flesh condition (body condi- ased 3rd party measure your              do actual weaning weights.   ed weights and other genetic
      tion score 5). Source: Fox, D.  heifers and categorize them           Late-born calves with light,  indicators such as pedigree
      G., C. J. Sniffen, and J. D.  to frame and estimated ma-              actual weaning weights can  EPDs become more import-
      O’Connor. 1988.  Adjusting  ture size.                                still have excellent adjusted  ant.  However, seedstock op-
                                                                                                              erators should not produce
      nutrient requirements of beef         Growth is an important          205-day weights and ratios.
      cattle for animal and environ- trait in heifer selection but            MILK       PRODUCTION: cattle that are not adaptable
      mental variations. Journal of  there are other important              Caution, some heavy milking  to their customer’s resources.
      Animal Science 66:1475.            traits.  What are those traits?    cows may not meet nutrition- If seedstock producers are
                                                                            al requirements through the  having trouble keeping their
         Weaning weight and year-           MATERNAL/PRODUC-
      ling weight are moderately to  TION TRAITS:    The  traits            available forage.  The calving  heaviest milking cows in the
      highly  heritable  traits  (.25- that are important in re-            intervals for these cows will  early part of the calving sea-
      .50).  As a rough guide, heif- placement heifers are the              generally exceed 370 days.   son, they need to be aware
      ers that have within-herd  maternal traits: early pu-                 Selecting replacement heif- of the impact that the some
      weaning weight ratios below  berty, fertility, calving ease,          ers out of these cows could  of these cows could have for
      90 (herd average 100) should  milk, soundness (longevity),            eventually cause an increase  their commercial bull buyers.
      be culled in a commercial  temperament and efficien-                  in open cows.    Heifers with        DISPOSITION:              Re-
        Live Cattle:  My thoughts center around this market stabilizing now.  I’ve been  the heavier actual weaning  search has found differences
                                                                              Feeder Cattle:  All you have to do is look at the corn market for a reason for the
      herd.  One caution to keep in  cy.    Early  puberty  is  highly      pull-back in feeders. If I owned a feedlot I’d be nervous to say the least.  I do feel
      placing a bullish tilt to this market for some time now.  I may need to temporarily  weights  are more  likely to  in chute scores between heif-
      mind is watch for calves that  heritable (H2 = 50%) and
      place this on “hold” for a while.  The higher placements the last three months will
                                                                            the feeder market has overdone it to the downside and it will be tough to break it
      have high adjusted weaning  related to early first preg-              cycle early and calve early as  ers and steers.   It has been
                                                                            further.  The early corn harvest has most feeder buyers in the field and I don’t think
      have a negative impact on prices yet, so like they say, “All good things come to those
      weights and low actual wean- nancy.   Calving ease is im-             2-year-olds.  Therefore, actu- found that steers have a
                                                                            they’ve really had time to concentrate on buying feeders.  Let’em get caught up a
      who wait”.  I see production numbers staying over last years’ levels until at the
      ing weights.    These calves  portant because it affects the          al weaning weights may do a  lower (more desirable) aver-
      least the end of the year.  Beef shipments have been lagging last years’ levels now
                                                                            little and they’ll head to town.....checkbooks in hand....bulging with “corn” money.
      may come from heavy milk- time required for rebreeding.               better job of identifying the  age temperament rating than
      for about a month.  Two weeks ago they were 8% lower than last year.  This weeks
                                                                            This market will rally....wait and see.
      report showed exports a whopping 56% lower than last year.  This ain’t good.  Low  heifers and cows that will be  heifers.  Cattle that are calm-
      ing cows that are late calvers  Soundness traits (feet, legs,

      imports and high exports have held this market up all summer.  We’re starting to  the most productive.  Seldom  er have higher average daily
      in the herd. In a purebred  udders,  eye, etc.) are  highly
      lose some of that.  I just can’t pull the trigger yet on long term bullish hopes.  should heifers be selected as  gains than do cattle with ex-
      herd,  the heifer’s  EPDs for  heritable and are related to
      weaning and yearling weight  longevity and productivity.              replacements that have low  citable temperaments.
      should be used when making  Genes for mastitis resistance             actual weaning weights, but
                                                                                                  Trading commodity futures involves substantial risk of loss
      selection decisions on growth.   have been identified; selec-         high adjusted weights and
                                                                                                  and my not be suitable for all investors.  The recommendations
       Rich Nelson
                                                                                                  express opinions of the author.  The information they contain is
                                                 Allendale Inc.
      If seedstock producers are  tion for bloat resistance have            ratios.               obtained from sources believed reliable, but is in no way guaran-
       Allendale Inc.
                                                                                                  teed.  The author may have positions in the markets mentioned
      having trouble keeping their  been accomplished; evidence               Seedstock producers are

                                                                                                  including at times positions contrary to the advice quoted herein.
      heaviest milking cows (high  has been developed indicat-                                    Opinions, market data, and
                                                                                                  recommendations are subject to change at any time.
      What Does this Report Mean to Me?
      milk EPDs) in the early part  ing genetic differences in the
      of the calving season, they  incidence of fescue toxicity.
      need to be aware of the im-           HEIFER        SELECTION
        Q #1
      pact that some of these cows  WITH CROSSBREEDING
      What do you think the price of fats will be in April 2011
      could have for their commer- SYSTEMS:  Hybrid vigor is
                                         important but is not every-
      cial bull buyers.
      Answer: It’s hard to see the forest for the trees here, but peering through the foliage I see $105.00 fats on the horizon for April.  Demand is
         Yearling weights are a  thing.  Producers should not
      going to have to kick in though in order to get it.
      more accurate predictor of  overlook good replacement
        Q #2
      growth potential than wean- prospects just to gain a little
      ing weights.    Yearling hip  more hybrid vigor.   Keeping
       Due to the recent break in feeders, would you be holding your fall-weaned
      heights are more accurate for  heifers of terminal sires may
      calves for a while or letting them go?
      predicting  mature  size  than  cause “frame creep”.
      Answer: What ever happened to the easy questions?  This will depend upon your weaning sched-
      weaning hip height.  Heifers          TIME WHEN  BORN:
      with the heaviest yearling  Adjusted 205-day weights
      ule and your available feed supply.  I’m long term bullish the feeder market but the “reality” of
      weights tend to be the largest  and ratios provide a better                                             • Featuring ‘        Program’
      right now probably dictates letting them go.  If you keep them for an extra 30 days, make sure you
      framed.   Maximum accept- estimate of the true genet-                                                      Cattle  Weekly
      minimize the grain in the ration.  Grow them on good forage....”sell” $4.50 corn.  If the fat market
      able frame scores may need  ic differences in preweaning                                                • DVAuction Service for convenient
      stays sluggish and corn prices don’t moderate, about the only thing you’ve got to hang your hat on
      for “higher feeders” is “Hope”.                                                                            online  viewing & bidding
                                                                             November  6th              Selling All Classes of Cattle Wednesday @ 10:00 a.m.
                                                                                       Vienna, Mo 65582
                                                                                 For more information: Ross Patton  573-308-6657 • Bill Patton   573-308-6658
                                                                                        • David Patton – 573-308-6655 •
                                                                                  Visit our website at • or E-mail us at:
                                                                               Lunch at 11:00 a.m.
                                                                                   Sale at 12:30
                                                                                     Sale Offering
                                                                             16 - 2010 Heifer Calves Jan. - May
                                                                             16 - Breeding Bulls 7 to 18 months              RH Standard Lad 0313
                                                                             16 - Spring Calving Bred Females                 Solid As A Rock Sire Group
                                                                             16 - Spring Calving Black Females  Reynolds Herefords
                                                                                     Bred to Hereford Bulls
                                                                             8 -    Fall Calving Pairs           1071 County Road 1231
                                                                             6 -    Show Steer Prospects
                                                                                                                  Huntsville, MO 65259
                                                                             Both Horned & Polled Offered  David & Annette Bonacker
                                                                                                                Cedar Hill, MO
                          573-641-5270                                         November 5, 2010 Sale offerings on   Home: 660-277-3679 • Matt: 660-676-3788
                                                                                     Display 3:00 P.M.
                                                                                   CHB Dinner at 6:00 P.M.         • Barb: 660-676-4788
                                                                                    (314) 974-5230 •
                                                                                   Call or E-Mail for Catalog  Email:
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