Page 15 - Oct12020
P. 15

Don’t risk abor
                                                                Don’t risk abortions tions
                                                                                                 The Midwest Cattleman · October 1, 2020 · P15

                                                                this winter:
                                                                this winter:

                                                                Double check your cow herd
                                                                Double check your cow herd
                                                                vitamin A supplementation plans
                                                                vitamin A supplementation plans

                                                                By Mary Drewnoski, Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist
      Pasture mature and brown  can result in vitamin A defi- calving cow/calf herds, calving  How much vitamin A do
      early due to drought?              ciency symptoms, such as abor- occurs right at or before green  you need to provide to
         If so, then don’t forget to  tion/still births, poor breed up,  grass is available, and thus at  cows?
      make sure you are supple- diarrhea in calves and over- the time when cows have the                         The typical vitamin  A re-
      menting  enough Vitamin A.  all increases in calf sickness.  lowest vitamin A status.                   quirement is suggested to be
      Green grass has a lot of vita- Remember, for many  spring                                                             continued on page 18
      min A. In fact, cows typically
      and summer, and those stores
      along with a little bit of extra                                 i innffoo@@mmllssttuubbss..ccoomm          mmllssttuubbss..ccoomm
      supplementation, usually get
      them through the winter. The
      most common times that vita-                              A A  GGRREEAATT  PPRROODDUUCCTT  ------AA  DDEEFFIINNIITTEE  PPUURRPPOOSSEE
      min A deficiency start to pop                                         M MLLSS  ##55  SSTTRREESSSS  TTUUBB
      up is in the winter after a sum-
      mer drought. This is because                           ●Trace mineral, protein, and energy tub for young cattle during times of stress.
      brown grass and many stored                                      ●Zinpro Availa®4 organic trace mineral package.
      forages are a poor source of
      vitamin  A. In drought years,                                              ●Arm & Hammer Celmanax®SCP for e-coli and salmonella protection.
      cows may have 8 plus months
      without enough dietary vi-
      tamin A  to  meet  their  needs,
      which can result in depleted
      body stores. Depleted stores


           Center, Inc.

            On I-70, 4 miles east of
        Kingdom City, MO on outer road

              573-642-7486                          HER CALF IS DEMANDING MORE----THE GRASS IS LOSING IT’S PUNCH
                                                                                 NOW IS THE TIME TO
             Feeder Sale

                Monday                                       “KICK IT UP A NOTCH WITH MLS TUB SUPPLEMENTS”
               12:30 p.m.
                                                                 MLS #1 Hi Performance
                                            ●For cattle needing both protein and mineral supplementation
         1st Thursday Night                 ●Balanced concentration of protein, B-vitamins, trace minerals and energy
            of Each Month
                6:00 p.m.                                        MLS #15 Hi Energy Plus

          Special Cow Sale                  ●Protein, additional energy, and organic trace minerals
                                            ●High energy for beef cows on low quality hay, dry grass or stalks

              David Means

                                                        MLS Low Moisture Tubs are the Most Valuable Supplement Option
             Jack Harrison                                          Highly Palatable                     Uniform Consumption
               573-386-2138                                             No Waste                               Decreased Labor
                                                                                      24/7 Nutrition
           John P. Harrison

                                                       Gary West 731-335-3023     Jeff Anslinger 816-244-7340     Logan Kennedy 417-592-1764
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