Page 24 - MWC 8-11-2022s
P. 24

The Midwest Cattleman · August 11, 2022 · P24
                                                                            ALL IN THE FAMILY
          Docility &                                                        continued from page 23
                                                                            five  females.  Ellie Bowman  sary on July 21.  They've ex-
           Proven Performance                                               and Golden Image Cattle, the  perienced much with raising
                                                                            Martin Family, showed the  four children, surviving can-
                                                                            3rd  place overall Gelbvieh  cer, enduring the high inter-
                                                                            female. Ellie also had the Re- est rates of the 80s, managing
                                                                            serve Cow/Calf pair with an  heart disease, and suffering
                                                                            Overtime daughter. Lincoln  through Covid and drought.
                                                                            Martin had a Reserve Divi- They made it as beef produc-
                                                                            sion with an Overtime grand- ers. Their kids are making it
                                                                            daughter.                         as beef producers.  And the
                                                                              “The  Martins  along with  grandchildren are well on
                                                                            Cleland Cattle Company pur- their way.
                                                                            chased Overtime in our 2017          “We keep plugging on to
                                                                            production sale,” Kelly said.  make the next generation of
                                                                            “An Overtime female, as well  cattle better,” Kelly said. “Our
                                                                            as the two bull calves out of  customer base keeps growing
                                                                            Overtime daughters will be  and we'll have even more real-
                                                                            on display when we host the  ly good bulls for sale next year.
                                                                            first stop on the Kansas Gelb- And there is such a  demand
                                                                            vieh tour August 13th.”           for those Balancer  females,
                                                                              Kelly     sees    accomplish- we'll maybe expand that.”
                                                                            ments in the ring as testing         As for the kids, “We'll give
                                                                            ground for structural correct- them every opportunity to
                                                                            ness in their genetics.           come back to the ranch,” Kelly
                                                                              “Sound structured cattle  said. “Raising cattle is a great
                                                                            will last longer in the real  lifestyle, even if the living isn't
                                                                            world and bad structured  always the easiest. There's no
                                                                            cattle don't win classes,” he  place else we'd rather have
          Our focus and dedication starts with docility and ends            said. “Body types that we like  our kids living. Here they see
          with performance. We offer Purebred Gelbvieh and                  are also easy to look at. And  God's creation. We're an hour
          Balancer  bulls and heifers private treaty year-round.            some contests highlight per- from McDonald's or a mall.
                                                                            formance as well, like the pen  And that's perfectly fine with
          We continue to do our homework in our breeding                    of three and five classes that  us.”
          program, so you can buy with confidence.                          show weight per day of age.”         Reid, the cattleman, doesn't
                                                                              No matter how great the  seem to mind the distance
                                                                            cattle are or  how  much  they  either, especially when he's
                                                                            win; no matter how famous  throwing a rope or selling a
                                                                            they get or how far they trav- $12,000 bull.
                                                                            el, it still comes back to the
                                                                            people. Founders of the cattle
                                                                            operation, Roger and Norma
                                                                            celebrated their 51st Anniver-

                                                                            BEEF CALF                         possible, consider these prac-
                                                                            continued from page 17            tices  for  your  calves  60  to
                                                                            daily  during  the  weaning       90 days ahead  of weaning.
                                                                            phase to evaluate health sta-     Prevention of parasite loads
                                                                            tus and dry matter feed in-       before weaning will likely
          • Fall & Spring-Born Bulls & Heifers                              take.                             improve the calf’s immune

          • Red & Black Purebreds & Balancers                                 Avoid other stressful pro-      response, and deworming
                                                                                                              and implanting will each
          • Bulls Carry First Breeding Season  Guarantees                   cessing tasks like castration     give a boost to post-weaning
                                                                            and dehorning at vaccination
          • Photos & Videos Available                                       time. Castration is always        growth.
                                                                                                                 Minimizing stress before,
                                                                            less stressful when done ear-
                                                                            lier in life. Horned calves are   during and after weaning
          For more information on our cattle and availability,              less common today with the        will help ensure precondi-
                                                                                                              tioning  management that
          give Kevin a call at (660) 635-1433.                              use of polled bulls in the in-    will generate added health
                                                                            dustry but when dehorning is
                                                                            necessary, it should be done a    and  value  to  your  calf  crop
                                                                            minimum of two weeks ahead        through       all    production
                                                                            of weaning to avoid stacking      phases.
                                    Red Ridge gelbvieh                      stressful events and provide  MSU
                                             Kevin & Staci Ireland          adequate time for healing be-
                                  237 SW 30th Ave. • Trenton, MO 64683      fore vaccinations.
                                                                              Deworming and implant-
                 Cell (660) 635-1433 •                 ing are often added at wean-
                                                                            ing time.  Again, whenever

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