Page 33 - MWC 04-22-2021s
P. 33
The Midwest Cattleman · April 22, 2021 · P33
Introduction of House Companion HAULS Act
The National Cattlemen’s
Beef Association (NCBA) en-
dorsed the Haulers of Agri-
culture and Livestock Safety
(HAULS) Act of 2021. Intro-
duced in the House by Rep.
Rose (R-TN-06) and Rep. Soto
(D-FL-09), the bipartisan bill
would deliver much-needed
flexibility for livestock haul-
ers. The House bill intro-
duced this week is a compan-
ion to S.792, which NCBA
worked to get introduced in
the Senate last month.
“In times of crisis and in
times of normalcy, livestock
haulers are a critical part
of the supply chain keep-
ing grocery stores stocked
with beef. The full year of
disruption due to COVID-
19 has only underscored the
need for further flexibility
in livestock hauling regula-
tions,” said NCBA President The HAULS Act represents a commodities. This legislation able year-round in all states),
Jerry Bohn. “NCBA is en- step in the right direction — also eliminates the seasonal and updates and clarifies the
couraged by the bipartisan an extension of a current ag harvest requirements for the definition of an agricultural
and bicameral support for exemption to existing hours- agriculture HOS exemption commodity.
this commonsense legisla- of-service regulations that (making the exemption avail- NCBA
tion. Livestock haulers don’t preserves animal welfare as
need more regulatory hoops well as safety on our roads,
to jump through – they need while also making sure pro-
the freedom and flexibility ducers can keep our grocery
to continue transporting an- stores stocked with beef,”
imals safely and humanely.” said NCBA Executive Direc-
Current hours-of-service tor of Government Affairs Al-
(HOS) rules allow for 11 lison Rivera.
hours of drive time, 14 hours Background
of on-duty time, and then re- This legislation is the lat-
quire 10 consecutive hours of est of many steps NCBA has
rest. When transporting live- taken to win greater flexibil-
stock, there is a real need for ity for livestock haulers and
further flexibility beyond the producers. Since the pan-
current hours-of-service. Un- demic began, NCBA has suc-
like drivers moving consum- cessfully fought every month
er goods, livestock haulers for a renewed emergency
cannot simply idle or unload declaration which provides
their trucks when drive time an exemption from hours-of-
hours run out without jeop- service for livestock haulers,
ardizing animal health and while also working with Con-
welfare. gress to maintain the ELD
“Transporting live ani- delay for livestock haulers
mals is not like transporting until Sept. 30, 2021.
a truckload of toilet paper NCBA is also working
— and nobody knows that with Congress to ensure that
better than livestock haul- any infrastructure spending
ers. When one-size-fits-all package reflects the unique
government mandates fail needs of rural communities
to account for expertise on and agricultural producers.
the ground, haulers are put The HAULS Act would
in the impossible position of add a 150 air-mile radius
either complying with reg- exemption under HOS reg-
ulations or doing what they ulations to the backend of
know is best to humanely and hauls for those transport-
safely complete their haul. ing livestock or agricultural