Page 30 - MWC 04-01-2021s
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The Midwest Cattleman · April 1, 2021 · P30
Apr 10 Central Missouri Polled Hereford Breeders’ Spring Sale, Cuba, MO Apr 22* Valley View Angus Farm Online Heifer Sale, 417-569-6940
Apr 10 Lazy Bar F & Double G Shorthorns Production Sale, Seminole, OK Apr 23 NextGen Cattle Co Spring Event Sale, Paxico, KS
Apr 10* Ozark & Heart of America Beefmaster Sale, Springfield, MO 210-415-4530 Apr 24* HHCA 10th Annual Highland Cattle Auction, Lebanon, MO 417-345-0575
Apr 10 The Renaissance 29th Anniversary Edition Sale, Strafford, MO Apr 24* Midwest Beefmaster Sale, Exeter, MO 417-876-7285
Apr 13* Sydenstricker Genetics Influence Sale, New Cambria, MO 573-581-1225 Apr 24* Wild Indian Acres Annual Bull Sale, Cuba, MO 785-672-3195
Apr 15* Meitler Cattle Focus on Maternal Sale, Russell, KS 785-658-5612 Apr 24* Show-Me Reds Sale, Springfield, MO 417-327-7870
Apr 17* Back to Grass Salers Sale, Gallatin, MO 785-547-6781 May 7 Glendenning’s J Bar J Limousin Annual Production Sale, Lebanon, MO
Apr 17 East Central Missouri Angus Assoc Sale, Cuba, MO May 8 Central States BBA Mid America Futurity & Sale, Locust Grove, OK
Apr 17* McBee Cattle Co Spring Selection Day Sale, Fayette, MO 573-228-2517 May 10 Gardiner Angus Ranch “Meating Demand” Bull Sale, Ashland, KS
Apr 17* New Day Genetics Spring Bull Sale, Salem, MO 573-453-0058 May 22 Great American Pie Annual Limousin Sale, Lebanon, MO
Apr 17* Reds in the Green Hills, Harris, MO 660-748-6350 May 22 MO/KS/AR/OK Angus Sale, Ozark, AR
Apr 21 Ade Polled Hereford Bull & Female Sale, Amsterdam, MO May 22 Soaring Eagle Production Sale, Springfield, MO
BEWARE inarian, legislation likes We Encourage Everyone it is very likely to be on the
continued from page 15 this gives me pause as to Keep an Eye on ballot in the near future. This
to whether a procedure Initiative 16 in Colorado makes it absolutely essential
locally raised and processed I’m performing could be As this story continues to that those concerned about
beef and other proteins will misconstrued as animal unfold, farmers, ranchers, animal welfare and animal
have to make their voices abuse. When in fact (what industry professionals and industries take action and
heard,” he said. “This would I do) is intended to create other animal welfarists are give this issue due attention.
ultimately result in greatly safer and healthier ani- encouraged to stay up to date News, education, and calls to
increased prices at the meat mals in all species.” with information provided by action can be easily shared
counter, potential limits on As such, Biggs notes these Protect the Harvest and sim- via social media and word of
food availability, and would are issues all veterinarians, ilar entities. mouth to help uphold Colora-
make feeding Colorado fam- regardless of companion or As only 125,000 signatures do’s animal businesses.
ilies much more difficult in large animal practice, need to are needed for the PAUSE
already challenging times.” be aware of and stand united changes to be put up for vote,
And of course, the nega- on. This includes engaging
tive impact on the $7 billion with clients on issues that
state cattle industry and all are occurring and building
its stakeholders and workers relationships with legisla- AURELIA SKIPWITH JOINS PROTECT
is something to be considered tors. Veterinarians, she says, THE HARVEST'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE
as well. A similar impact come from a point of science,
would also hit the state’s training, and knowledge and Ms. Aurelia nology for supply
poultry, swine, and other ani- can use that to better educate Skipwith is a sci- chains. As a busi-
mal industries. legislators and politicians on entist-attorney nesswoman, biol-
Veterinarians Have Issue what true animal welfare with expertise in ogist, and lawyer,
she is a strong ad-
With 16 Initiative– It looks like. the areas of agri- vocate for the use
Includes All Animals, She also stresses that culture, natural of science in the
Even Pets good animal welfare prin- resources, and development of
It is not only the direct in- ciples are founded on good wildlife.
dustries who have concerns. animal husbandry. Remov- She was con- natural resourc-
es and preserving
Those in the large animal ing that focus could backfire, firmed by the landowner rights,
veterinary field are also not resulting in fewer healthy United States all while main-
happy with this ballot and animal husbandry practic- Senate as the
its implications. Dr. Rosslyn es which would in the long 22nd Director of the U.S. taining the integrity of the
Biggs, of Chickasha, Okla., run decrease overall animal Fish and Wildlife Service and environment.
Skipwith was born and
is a large animal veterinary welfare. Of changes and reg- was responsible for the feder-
practitioner. She says the ulations regarding animal al management of fish, wild- raised in Indianapolis, IN,
language used specifically welfare, Biggs says it needs life, plants, and their natural and graduated from the In-
habitats. She managed over diana Academy for Science,
targeting food animal species to be an industry led effort.
is an issue, but there are also “Veterinarians, farm- 8,500 employees and 850 mil- Mathematics, and Human-
ities in Muncie, IN, earned a
implications for companion ers, ranchers, have got to lion acres of land and water.
Her career spans multiple Bachelor’s Degree in Biology
animals as well. be at the table discussing
“This is undoubtedly what the real truth is be- industry sectors, including from Howard University, a
going to hamper our abil- hind these (husbandry) government, privately-held, Master’s Degree in Molec-
ity to advance genetics in practices and give their and Fortune 500 companies. ular Genetics from Purdue
all species, including com- perspective,” she says. She worked in the divisions University, and a Juris Doc-
panion animals,” she tells “We’ve got to tell our story of regulatory sciences, corpo- tor from the University of
Protect the Harvest. “The and we need to do a better rate affairs, product develop- Kentucky College of Law.
biggest concern I have is job of it.” ment for soil health and new
that as a practicing veter- crops, and block-chain tech-