Page 13 - MWC 04-01-2021s
P. 13

FORAGE PLANTING –                                                     not stated) usually     The Midwest Cattleman · April 1, 2021 · P13

      HOW TO DO IT WELL                                                     proves to be a very
          By Mark Sulc, OSU Extension Forage Specialist and Jason Hartschuh, CCA  yielding less even
         Early spring provides one  be best to apply lime now               in the first or sec-
      of the two preferred times to  and delay establishing alfalfa         ond year and having
      seed perennial cool-season  until late summer (plant an               shorter stand life. Be
      forages, the other being late  annual grass forage in the in-         mindful of how much
      summer. The outlook for this  terim).                                 seed coating is pres-
      spring is for probabilities of        2. Plant high  quality  seed    ent on the seed you
                                                                            are planting. Many of
      above average precipitation  of known varietal source
      in  April and May. Planting  adapted to your region. Plant-                      continued on
      opportunities will likely be  ing  “common” seed (variety                             page 14
      few and  short. The following
      10 steps to follow on the day
      you plant will help improve
      chances for successful forage
         1. Check now to make sure
      soil pH and fertility are in the
      recommended ranges.  Forag-
      es are more productive where
      soil pH is above 6.0, but for al-
      falfa it should be 6.5 – 6.8. Soil
      phosphorus should be at least
      20 ppm for grasses and 30
      ppm for legumes, while min-
      imum soil potassium should
      be 100 ppm for sandy soils
      less than 5 CEC or 120 ppm
      on all other soils. If seedings
      are to include alfalfa, and soil
      pH is not at least 6.5, it would



           Center, Inc.

            On I-70, 4 miles east of
        Kingdom City, MO on outer road


             Feeder Sale

               12:30 p.m.

         1st Thursday Night
            of Each Month

                6:00 p.m.

          Special Cow Sale

             Jack Harrison

           John P. Harrison

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